
Arts Q&A: Author Napier on seeing Rory Gallagher in 74

Brian Campbell puts artists on the spot about what really matters to them. This week: Co Down author James Napier

James Napier has just published his second novel
James Napier has just published his second novel

1. When did you think about writing as a career and what were your first steps into it?

I worked as a biology teacher and then a vice-principal for 35 years and started writing science textbooks 15 years ago. A few years ago I wrote my first novel, Living on the Ledge, and my latest one – Trouble at the Waterworks – was inspired by my own battle with prostate cancer. I’m now a full-time writer.

2. Best gig or gigs you've been to?

Rory Gallagher in the Ulster Hall in 1974. He was recording a live album and the atmosphere was pretty special. And then Leonard Cohen in Birmingham in the same year.

3. Fantasy wedding/birthday party band of choice?

Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers would do. American Girl and Free Fallin’ would get any party going. And U2 would do as a back-up.

4. The record you'd take to a desert island?

Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon.

5. And the book?

Charles Darwin’s On The Origin of Species would keep me going for a long time.

6. Top three films?

Never Let Me Go, The Silence of the Lambs and The Shining.

7. Worst film you've seen?

I thought Hannibal was a terrible letdown after the excellent The Silence of the Lambs.

8. Favourite author?

Peter James for thoroughly researched and convincing crime writing. His novel Perfect People about human cloning is shockingly believable.

9. Sports you most enjoy and top teams?

I really enjoyed playing rugby and cricket when I was younger. More recently I have taken up running and completed a few half-marathons for charity. I’d love to see Newcastle United win something, but I’m not sure how likely that is in the foreseeable future.

10. Pet hate?

Supermarket self-scanners. It takes more staff time to sort me out when I get in a tangle than it would at a normal checkout.

11. What's your favourite:

Dinner? Anything cooked by my wife.

Dessert? I’m not allowed any.

Drink? The first one when on holiday.

12. Is there a God?

Who really knows? Every religion cannot be correct about everything and I find it hard to get my head around that.

Trouble at the Waterworks is out now (£10) with proceeds donated to the Friends of the Cancer Centre charity at Belfast City Hospital. Available via FriendsOfTheCancerCentre.com/shop/.