
Ireland sees venture capital activity grow

VENTURE capital activity across Ireland rose by 6 per cent last year as private investors sought to kick start economic recovery.

More than 350 delegates at InterTradeIreland's recent venture capital conference in Belfast heard how £237 million ( e 284m) was invested by venture capitalists during 2013.

Meanwhile, supports are in place to deliver two new government venture capital funds with the capability to make single investments of between £500,000 to £2m.

The conference at Titanic Belfast brought together entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, business angels, other investors and company representatives who may be seeking investment.

Enterprise minster Arlene Foster told delegates the promotion of venture capital and business angel financed "remain high on my department's agenda".

"With two companies, Crescent Capital and Kernel Capital, appointed to deliver public-funded investment, the future of stimulating high-growth and economy-boosting businesses, remains positive," she said.

"Continued government support for the Halo business angel networks enables the matching of investors seeking opportunities with high growth potential companies. Overall, there has never been a better time for 'investor-ready' companies to raise equity."

Grainne Lennon, operations manager for InterTradeIreland said the north's marketplace was displaying "increased buoyancy" offering good investment opportunities.

"With substantial potential investment available from the VC and business angel community, this conference helped enhance delegates' knowledge of many sources of funding," she said.

"The outlook for 2014 is extremely bright as innovation and available equity are both at their highest levels in recent years, which is further stimulating the venture capital market and economic regeneration across the island.

"Belfast technology company, Analytics Engines, shared its experience at the conference and told how they raised more than £1million in venture funding for its products, highlighting the accessibility innovative companies can have to venture capital, if they are 'investor-ready' to do so.

"The company received this private venture capital to explore new markets but has previously taken advantage of government initiatives, including the European FP7 funding stream."

Winner of the EY Entrepreneur of the Year award in 2013, Patrick Joy, of Co Louth-based Sure Tank told the conference of his experience.

"As an entrepreneur you have to look at it from the

investor's perspective; they are taking a calculated risk and are backing the people at the heart of the company.

"So you need to be committed, love your customers and thrive on the buzz of the business you are building.

"You have to have ambition and enthusiasm and believe in yourself enough to take risks; no matter what business you are in," he said.

"Inevitably, you are going to encounter setbacks along the way, but it's about how you come back from those setbacks that counts and what investors are interested in.

"I could not have achieved the success I have had without the belief in my business and my team and the necessary support received from early stage investors."