
Mr Motivator's top tips for staying healthy and positive during coronavirus lockdown

Mr Motivator made his name broadcasting uplifting workouts in colourful Lycra on breakfast TV show GMTV in the 90s
Mr Motivator made his name broadcasting uplifting workouts in colourful Lycra on breakfast TV show GMTV in the 90s

:: Practise gratitude: Recognise and admit where we are – for a long time we tried to say, 'Let's ignore it for a while'. Now we need to find a way of relieving the stress brought on by our situation. Focus on the good things in your life. Start every day by thinking of five or six reasons to be grateful. They can be simple things like just having a choice: what am I going to have for breakfast? Will I walk out into the garden or not? Lots of people don't have that choice, so that's a blessing. Maybe think, I can see, I can hear, I've got someone who loves me...

:: Find your own escape: In lockdown, your own space becomes an issue. Find a place you can escape to. It could be reading a book or doing something you've actually always wanted to do but never got around to.

:: Play uplifting music: Put music on in every room of the house. Music is a great leveller – if it's dance music, you automatically want to dance.

:: Check your posture: We're all sitting down a lot more; at the computer, watching television, on the couch... Set your your Fitbit or phone to go off every half hour or so – as a reminder to check your posture. Imagine there's an orange between your shoulder blades; gently squeeze out the juice of that orange and hold that for four seconds. Then release it, then you do it again. Automatically it's making you sit up straighter – so it's making you look at life differently.

:: Move: You can do lots from sitting down. March on the spot, pretend you're shooting a basketball into a hoop, work your pelvic floor muscles. Kick a football in the garden, go for a walk... just keep away from other people while doing that.

:: Mr Motivator – real name Derrick Evans (67) has a daily live-streamed workout on Twitter and YouTube (12pm) and appears on HealthCheck UK Live, weekdays, 10am, BBC One.