
It's National Bagel Day! Wait, why isn't there a bagel emoji?

It's National Bagel Day! Wait, why isn't there a bagel emoji?
It's National Bagel Day! Wait, why isn't there a bagel emoji?

It’s the ‘holeiest’ of days. A time to celebrate the humble bagel, filler of lunch boxes and perfect accompaniment to smoked salmon and cream cheese.

We know what you are thinking – I need to share National Bagel Day with my friends immediately, but where is the bagel emoji?

According to New York Bakery Co, Brits devour 320 million bagels every year, so it’s about time we were given a pictorial way to express our devotion.

(New York Bagel Co)

The company is leading the charge by setting up a petition and creating a few designs of our favourite bagels.

(New York Bagel Co)

We’re sure astronaut Gregory Chamitoff will be happy with the sesame seed one. He took 18 sesame bagels from his cousin’s bakery to the International Space Station in 2008.

If you feel strongly about poppy seed, blueberry or any other type of bagel being immortalised in emoji form, get signing that petition.

Happy National Bagel Day.