
The US Department of Education misspelled this civil rights activist's name and then misspelled their apology

The US Department of Education misspelled this civil rights activist's name and then misspelled their apology
The US Department of Education misspelled this civil rights activist's name and then misspelled their apology

It’s altogether too easy to tweet out a spelling mistake. However, if you’re in charge of an official government account and you’re referencing an important civil rights activist during Black History Month, you really should double-check your tweet before you hit send.

This is what happened to the US Department of Education when it tweeted out an inspirational quote from WEB Du Bois.

Casting some serious shade, civil rights organisation the NAACP replied with their own quote (complete with the correct spelling).

Later, the Department of Education tweeted out an apology saying: “Post updated – our deepest apologizes for the earlier typo.” Yes – that’s right, the arm of the government in charge of teaching children made a second misspelling in one day. It doesn’t bode particularly well, does it?

The slightly embarrassing tweet has since been deleted, and the department has updated both the spelling of Du Bois’s name and the apology.

Many people saw the whole debacle as just a bit of a fail.

Even schoolteachers weighed in, giving their advice.

The error didn’t go unnoticed by Chelsea Clinton either.

And some people had some less than complimentary things to say about the new Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos – although we doubt she was manning the Twitter account herself this weekend.

Whereas others were on hand to offer words of support.

It goes to show our teachers were actually right at school: always check your work.