
BBC Two's Hospital recommissioned for two more series

BBC Two's Hospital recommissioned for two more series
BBC Two's Hospital recommissioned for two more series

A BBC medical documentary programme that looks at the challenges that face the NHS has been recommissioned for two more series.

The first series of BBC Two’s Hospital, which was filmed at hospitals across Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust in London at the end of 2016, highlighted the debate around health tourism and the chronic shortage of beds across the UK and averaged 2.5 million viewers per episode.

(BBC/Label 1/Ryan McNamara)

The future series will look at other areas within the NHS, including maternity and mental health care provision.

They will also venture away from the hospitals to look at primary and social care and examine its relationship with the NHS.

The second series of the show will return to Imperial College hospitals, while the location of the third series is yet to be announced.

(BBC/Label 1/Ryan McNamara)

Patrick Holland, channel editor at BBC Two, said: “The first series of Hospital was everything I want BBC Two to be.

“It is timely, brilliantly made and challenging TV.

“It was editorially brave to make a series with such a short turnaround but it felt so timely for the audience.

“It was creatively ambitious, attracting the very best team of committed filmmakers to produce it.

(BBC/Label 1/Ryan McNamara)

“And it wasn’t afraid to embrace complexity, engaging the audience with powerful personal dramas that illuminate the challenges faced by the NHS today.

“I am delighted to announce further episodes over the coming year.”

Michelle Dixon, from Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, added: “Hospital has given us the opportunity to show the amazing care and commitment of our staff as well as the growing challenges we face as we respond to the changing needs and demands of our patients.

(BBC/Label 1/Ryan McNamara)

“It’s so important to develop a shared understanding of what’s happening in the NHS and what’s at stake.

“While the first series has provided a great insight to a whole range of issues and services, there is still much more to see.”