
Watching an aye-aye enjoying some honey is a rare and sweet treat

The endangered primates from Madagascar aren’t as scary as they can sometimes look.
The endangered primates from Madagascar aren’t as scary as they can sometimes look.

Aye-ayes are an incredibly rare species to spot, but a clever exhibit by a zoo in Colorado means visitors can see them on a visit – and it’s an eerie and remarkable sight.

The species is endangered and nocturnal, but keepers at Denver Zoo have created a unique exhibit so they are awake and visible in the day when guests visit.

The video below shows Trixie, a 10-year-old female and one of two at the zoo, enjoying a cup of honey.

#TakeoverTuesday: Aye-Aye adaptations“Have you ever been to Emerald Forest and walked into our 'Creatures of the Night' exhibit? This is where our aye-ayes live, a nocturnal type of lemur. For viewing pleasure we have turned the lights off starting at 10 a.m. daily, this is when the aye-ayes wake up! Aye-ayes have special adaptations to be nocturnal, such as large eyes to see better in the dark and big ears in order to hear better. They also have an extended middle digit on their hands that is used for tapping on trees in order to listen for bugs deep within (bugs are one of their favorite things to eat). They then use rodent like teeth to dig into the bark of trees to find their prey. Watch the video above to see Trixie using her long middle digit to retrieve a special treat (a small amount of honey)." -Primate Keepers Kelly, Robin & Shayla #craftyadaptations #takeovertuesday”Posted by Denver Zoo on Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Aye-ayes are adapted with large eyes to see in the darkness and big ears for enhanced hearing to help them catch prey.

They tap on trees to listen for bugs hidden within, before digging into the bark with their rodent-like teeth and fishing out their target with their extended middle finger.

Raz the aye aye
Raz, the second ever aye-aye born in a British zoo (Barry Batchelor/PA) (Barry Batchelor/PA Archive/PA Images)

The Denver exhibit is adapted with reversed cycle of lighting so that night time begins for Trixie and her seven-year-old male counterpart Smeagol at 10am.

According to the World Wildlife Federation, the aye-aye was once thought to have become extinct before it was rediscovered in 1961.

An aye aye from London zoo
Tany, one of the few aye ayes ever to come to Britain (Matthew Fearn/PA) (Matthew Fearn/PA Archive/PA Images)

The Madagascan species is endangered today due to habitat loss but also the superstition of native peoples, some of whom believe the creature to be a symbol of death.