
Tories sending British members to contest Westminster seats in north

THE Conservative Party is sending members based in Britain to contest MP seats in Northern Ireland - despite some never before setting foot in the north.

Eleven Tory candidates from England and Scotland are being parachuted into Northern Ireland constituencies for the Westminster election.

The Conservatives are fielding candidates in 16 constituencies - all except North Belfast and Fermanagh and South Tyrone.

However, fewer than a third of Conservative candidates bidding for election currently live in the north.

Among those asking for votes on May 7 is Amandeep Singh Bhogal, the first-ever Sikh to stand for Westminster in Northern Ireland.

The Kent-based, India-born candidate's distinctive blue turban has been turning heads in Upper Bann where he is campaigning.

He told how some people answering on doors in the constituency have even asked him: "Are you a Catholic Sikh or a Protestant Sikh?"

"I have not been in Northern Ireland before but I have a huge interest in Northern Ireland," the 31-year-old said.

"People I have spoken to want change and they have a lot of affinity with what the Conservative party is saying."

London-based councillor and lecturer Claire-Louise Leyland is contesting the West Tyrone seat, which is currently held by Sinn Féin's Pat Doherty.

The Camden councillor will visit the constituency for the first time this week to lodge her nomination papers.

The Conservatives from Britain contesting seats in Northern Ireland are: Alex Wilson (East Antrim): former councillor for Greenwich council in London, including a spell as deputy leader of the opposition. Represent

ed the Blackheath Westcombe ward, where he has lived since childhood.

Liz St Clair-Legge (East Derry): originally from Norfolk but has lived most of her adult life in London. Works as a public policy researcher and volunteers for the Westminster Foundation for Democracy.

Hamish Badenoch (Foyle): councillor for Merton council in London.

Claire-Louise Leyland (West Tyrone): councillor for Camden.

Lucille Nicholson (Mid Ulster): farmer and businesswoman from north-east England who has stood as a candidate in several elections.

Carol-Anne Freeman (North Antrim): born in South Africa, with her mother's family coming from Belfast and Yorkshire and her father's from Essex.

Robert Rigby (Newry and Armagh): works in marketing and sales and lives in London with his wife Emiko. Wesminster councillor since 2010, governor of a secondary and primary school.

Amandeep Singh Bhogal (Upper Bann): father-of-two grew up in India and England and comes from a Sikh family of farmers and carpenters. Former Foreign and Commonwealth Office worker.

Felicity Buchan (South Down): born in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, and studied law at Oxford University. Previously worked in banking before taking a career break to focus on political and charitable work.

Helen Osborne (Lagan Valley):

born and bred in Winchester and is a councillor for the St Barnabas ward of Winchester council. Has been employed in education and finances services and works at a bank.

Paul Shea (West Belfast): businessman from Newcastle-upon-Tyne.