Northern Ireland

Two men to stand trial over £720,000 cannabis seizure in Belfast

Laganside courthouse in Belfast
Laganside courthouse in Belfast

TWO men are to stand trial on charges connected to the seizure of £720,000 worth of cannabis in Belfast.

Chinese nationals Wen Bin Lee (26) and Xiaochao Wang (34) were arrested during raids in the city last summer.

Police searched properties in the Donegall Quay area and in the south of the city.

Bags of cannabis and a large quantity of cash were recovered in the operation on July 22.

Detectives have linked a crime gang to the seized drugs with an estimated street value of £720,000.

Lee, with an address at the Obel Building on Donegall Quay, and Wang, of no fixed abode, are jointly charged with possessing and conspiring to supply the Class B drug.

They are also accused of possessing and converting criminal property - namely high value goods - illegal entry to the UK and having a false identity document.

Wang faces a further count of importing cannabis.

Both men appeared remotely from prison at Belfast Magistrate's Court today for a preliminary enquiry to establish if the case should proceed.

Barristers Richard McConkey, representing Lee, and Sean Mullan, for Wang, confirmed their clients understood the charges against them.

Neither of the accused gave evidence or called any witness at this stage.

Based on prosecution submissions, District Judge Mark Hamill ruled the two defendants have cases to answer.

"I'm returning both for trial at Belfast Crown Court, in custody, on a date to be fixed."