
Outcome of US election awaited with interest

The US presidential election is now in its final stretch and there could not be a greater contrast between the campaigning styles of the two candidates.

Former vice president Joe Biden has shown complete regard for the public health emergency that has devastated the country - wearing a mask, keeping socially distant and forsaking the traditional large-scale rallies that are the hallmark of American elections.

He has held a number of low key, drive-in events, with people complying with the guidance. These undoubtedly lack atmosphere but they are definitely safer and send out the message that the Democratic candidate is taking this virus seriously.

The president's approach could not be more different. It is disturbing to see such large crowds at his rallies, with supporters sitting close together and with few wearing masks.

Not only does Donald Trump show a reckless disregard for their wellbeing, he goes out of his way to deride those who do adhere to the advice and pay attention to the science, including his opponent.

His breathtakingly irresponsible stance will come as no surprise and we expect little else from a president who is determined to minimise the impact of a pandemic that has seen almost nine million cases and 228,000 deaths in the US.

Leaders around the world have been grappling with this virus and we know there are no easy answers but the failure of Mr Trump to take decisive action to protect the lives of his citizens represents a monumental dereliction of duty.

His disastrous handling of the pandemic has not only had grave consequences in terms of health but has been catastrophic for jobs with millions of Americans suffering real hardship.

Even so, he clearly commands such significant support, despite trailing in the polls, that the outcome of the poll cannot be said to be a foregone conclusion.

Memories of 2016, when he lost the popular vote but secured victory in the electoral college, loom large.

But this is a year like no other and with more than 80 million people already casting their votes, the US is on course for a record turnout which could produce unexpected results.

There will be intense interest on this side of the Atlantic as we wait to see if the moderate Joe Biden can take the White House or if America is in for another four years of chaos, incompetence and deliberately stoked racial division.