‘Grey belt’ plan will have limited impact on housebuilding, peers warn
The Government has pledged to build 1.5 million homes by the next election.
The Government has pledged to build 1.5 million homes by the next election.
It is understood the King has been in touch with the Aga Khan’s family privately.
The UK Prime Minister welcomed Denmark’s announcement of a new military to defend the Arctic from ‘hostile activity’.
The informal group includes members from seats where Reform came second in the general election.
Chief prisons inspector Charlie Taylor urged for more to be done urgently to help women behind bars cope.
Fake TikTok job offers, bogus discounts and fake delivery company messages are among the texts blocked by Virgin Media O2.
Professor Alexis Jay has previously said progress on fulfilling her IICSA recommendations must be quicker.
The advertising watchdog found that viewers were likely to believe, at least initially, that they were watching a programme.
A scheme in Purbeck, Dorset, is creating hundreds of acres for wildlife and livestock with funding from Government’s nature-friendly farming scheme.
An independent review of the Nottingham triple killer’s care was published on Wednesday.
YouGov polling suggests 71% of the public believe snares should be made illegal in England.