
Late artist McWilliams honoured with RUA prize

Simon McWilliams, son of the late Joseph McWilliams, with RUA president Dr Denise Ferran at the Ulster Museum
Simon McWilliams, son of the late Joseph McWilliams, with RUA president Dr Denise Ferran at the Ulster Museum

CHRISTIAN Flautists outside St Patrick’s, by the late Joe McWilliams, was the winner of The Irish News prize – the theme of which is 'Ireland Today' – at this year's Annual Exhibition of the Royal Ulster Academy of Arts.

The oil on canvas by highly regarded north Belfast artist McWilliams, who died earlier this month, depicts a loyalist flute band outside St Patrick's church, in the city's Donegall Street. The artist's son Simon accepted the Irish News award on behalf of the McWilliams family at the Ulster Museum, where the RUA Annual Exhibition runs until January 3.

:: royalulsteracademy.org/annual-exhibition.