
Showbiz Quotes: Actress Olivia Coleman on how Wikipedia aged her by eight years

Olivia Colman – I'm not that old, Wikipedia
Olivia Colman – I'm not that old, Wikipedia

"Once, on Wikipedia, they had my birthday as the wrong day, the wrong month, and eight years before I was born. I emailed them, pretending it wasn't me. [I wrote] 'I was at school with her and that's not her birthday'. I didn't want them to think I was being so vain."

Olivia Colman revealing on David Tennant Does A Podcast With... that she once contacted Wikipedia after they aged her by eight years.

"I'm absolutely overwhelmed – 36 years ago I rented this bedsit here, which was one room in Notting Hill Gate, for £30, which is about $50, and I cannot believe that 36 years later, I'm standing here as an almost 62-year-old man, having an Oscar nomination."

Richard E Grant responds to his first Oscar nomination for Can You Ever Forgive Me?

"It's disappointing that we have had to seek court proceedings as we had hoped the makers of the programme might be willing to work with us to settle the case. But I just want to make sure that there is full accountability for people involved in creating shows like this and to help prevent others having to go through what I have for the past three years."

Beth Tweddle announces she is taking legal action against the makers of The Jump after she fractured her vertebrae while taking part in the Channel 4 show.

"We are parents first and foremost, to one incredibly wonderful hamster and we ask for his and our space and privacy to be respected at this difficult time."

Love Island stars Megan Barton-Hanson and Wes Nelson announce their split.

"Turns out a ruptured ovarian cyst really hurts and morphine makes me cry."

Kate Beckinsale reveals on Instagram she has been admitted to hospital.

"Oh my goodness me. Guys, that truly has completely blown my slicked hair back."

Emily Blunt reacts with shock when she wins the best supporting actress prize at the Screen Actors Guild Awards.

"My daughter is eons above me already. She said to me when she was eight, 'I don't know if I want to get married, Mommy'. "And when she said that I was like 'Yes!' because I've been teaching her to love herself since she was little."

Jennifer Lopez tells Red magazine that she is happy her daughter Emme is not convinced about getting married.

"I've always wanted to adopt a child. I don't care if they have got disabilities. I feel I can offer a place. The thing is, it's easy to adopt abroad but it's not easy to bring them back in the country."

Katie Price tells ITV's This Morning she wants to adopt a child from Nigeria.

"I'm not ready to go out to the pasture, so here I am. So I fight for roles that will break through glass ceilings so that when these young women are coming behind me, they won't have the same narrative that we have. We can't drop the torch now, ladies out there, anyone in the industry."

Taraji P Henson says she wants to break the glass ceiling for women over 40 in Hollywood as she was honoured with a star on the Walk Of Fame.