
Weekend Q&A: Actor Gemma Mae Halligan on swapping Eden for Strabane and growing wineberries in lockdown

Gemma Mae Halligan (41) is an actor and founding member of Amadan Theatre with her partner Jude Quinn

How do you unwind at the weekend?

As theatre people, we don't really do weekends. That's especially true now when I honestly have no idea where we are in the week. Jude and I have a son, Sebastian, who's six, so we snatch time off whenever we can. Luckily we moved house last winter and now we have a garden. And gardening is my default position. I'm growing a whole pile of fruit and veg, including something called a wineberry. I am looking forward to seeing what that's like. Also salad-y stuff, and I've been sowing wild flowers everywhere, and bright geraniums and nasturtiums. I'm having the time of my life.

What do you recall most about weekends growing up?

As a kid, I spent most of my growing up in Cyprus. Some friends of my parents had a bright yellow Volkswagen estate which we called the banana. They'd come round to our house with a huge watermelon in the back and shout out "Let's go to the beach". Or they'd say "Pick a road, maybe leading to the Trodos mountains, and let's have a big adventure". We also used to rent pirated videos for 50 cents and I watched Labyrinth and The Little Mermaid about a hundred million times. I came back, to Strabane, when I was 12 and it was a bit of an exit from Eden as my parents had split.

Friday night or Saturday night?

I love all the nights in the week and am just a night person. I love going out and am really missing going to see live shows and going to music venues. I have a big soft spot for the Black Box.

Do you have a must-listen weekend radio show?

BBC Radio 6 is on all the time. Cerys Matthews on Sunday is great; we also like Craig Charles' Funk and Soul Show.

Must-watch weekend TV show/box set?

We don't have a TV, in order not to watch rubbish. We both love it, though, and on my laptop, I watch documentaries on Netflix. Recently we watched Jeffrey Epstein; I think it's good to know about stuff like that. And 13th, which ties in with the Black Lives Matter campaign. I go from that to the Great British Sewing Bee which I love. I was devastated when it finished.

Favourite eatery – or is it a takeaway?

We're both big cooks and one of the things we miss is cooking and having people over. Two Belfast places we eat out: Bites of India and the Thai restaurant Bo Tree Kitchen.

Is Sunday still special?

Because of not doing Monday to Friday, no one day is marked out as special. But we like to make space for family and have reflective time. We love going on adventures and recently enjoyed a trip to Tollymore Forest Park.

How do you feel on Sunday night about Monday morning?

Society is programmed to think 'Oh my God' when it's back to work. But apart from the admin, I love my job. Being able to do the work we do with Amadan makes us delighted to get back into the studio.

:: Amadan theatre perform John Patrick Higgins's The Old Curiosity Show online as part of the EastSide Arts Festival (August 6-16). More at eastsidearts.net