
Rock of ages: Ancient Celtic rock art inspires modern exhibition

Rock art - man-made markings from a prehistoric age, which remain preserved in parts of Ireland - are the inspiration behind a new exhibition by Co Antrim artist Seanna O Boyle-Irvine. Jane Hardy finds out more.

Seanna O Boyle-Irvine's Rock Art at Drumirrill. Over half of the known rock art for counties Louth and Monaghan is located within this single townland of Drumirrill in Monaghan. Fragments of Early Neolithic pottery were recovered from two separate deposits at the site, with evidence of metallic material, comparable to Bronze Age metallurgical waste. The results of the excavation revealed that a complex series of activities had taken place at Drumirill - the only excavation to have taken place at a rock art site in Ireland.
Seanna O Boyle-Irvine's Rock Art at Drumirrill. Over half of the known rock art for counties Louth and Monaghan is located within this single townland of Drumirrill in Monaghan. Fragments of Early Neolithic pottery were recovered from two separate deposits at the site, with evidence of metallic material, comparable to Bronze Age metallurgical waste. The results of the excavation revealed that a complex series of activities had taken place at Drumirill - the only excavation to have taken place at a rock art site in Ireland.