
The Bluffer shows you easy ways to get over the post-Christmas blues

YEESS! We’ve survived Christmas and Boxing Day and are compos mentis enough to enjoy another Bluffer’s Guide to Irish.

Well, most of us anyway. Others however, are spíonta - burnt out and need some TLC.

Tá siad traochta - they are exhausted ó thaobh na mothúchán de - emotionally, go fisiciúil - physically and they don’t know what day it is or what planet they’re on.

And that’s just the teetotallers but no wonder. It has been a horrendous year with a global pandemic, Brexit AND Jesy Nelson leaving Little Mix.

Then there’s the fear - tá eagla orm go gcaillfidh mé mo phost - I’m worried I’m going to lose my job; tá mé go dona ag an oideachas baile - I’m crap at home education and ní thig liom rud ar bith a bhlaiseadh - I can’t taste anything and I’m worried it might be something serious and not just because I only shop in Iceland.

But, the Bluffer has discovered some leideanna - tips on line to help the burnt-out get through this dark period until the Spring, the Covid-19 vaccine and Strictly Come Dancing arrive to brighten up our days.

But seriously folks, if you are feeling mentally, physically and/or emotionally exhausted, you should glac am saor - take time off.

It is important to cut off from work completely. Don’t check your emails, don’t make yourself available for calls - zero office contact is what’s needed.

Gearr siar ar an alcól agus an chaiféin - cut back on the alcohol and the caffeine.

Stress sometimes lead people to booze while others drink espressos to the max. Neither of these are a good idea.

Others binge-eat or chain-smoke but you can quickly find yourself becoming dependent on them, and dependency leads to addiction. 

How much nicer would it be, in order to calm your nerves, to take a walk, engage in a hobby, or simply sit quietly and practice some dianmhachnamh - meditation or déan aireachas - practice mindfulness.

Mindfulness is the act of focusing on your breathing and being intensely aware of what you’re sensing and feeling, without interpretation or judgement. 

The Bluffer uses an app called Headspace which is very good for this.

Laghdaíonn sé strus - it decreases stress It can help you increase your ability to regulate emotions, decrease stress, anxiety and depression. It can also help us to focus our attention, to observe our thoughts and feelings, and feel ‘in the moment’.

Another way to sort things out is to have a heart-to-heart with someone. As the old saying goes, a problem shared is a problem halved and you have confidence in your confidante. 

You might even find out that the answer you are looking for is really simple, like déan cuid mhór codlata - get plenty of sleep, déan aclaíocht - do exercise – if the weather outside is bad, you can do some stretching exercises at home – and ith go maith - eat well so put that sticky toffee pudding away right now!

In the meantime, see you all in 2021.  


spíonta(speenta) - burnt out 

tá siad traochta(ta shade traykhta) - they are exhausted 

ó thaobh na mothúchán de (o heeoo na mawhookhaan de) - emotionally 

go fisiciúil (gaw fisikyool) - physically 

tá eagla orm go gcaillfidh mé mo phost(taa ugla orhoo gaw guilehee may maw fust) - I’m worried I’m going to lose my job

tá mé go dona ag an oideachas baile(taa may gaw duna eg un ijahiss balla) - I’m crap at home education 

ní thig liom rud ar bith a bhlaiseadh (nee hig lum rud er bee a wlaashoo) - I can’t taste anything 

leideanna (ledgeana) - tips 

glac am saor(glac am seer) - take time off.

Gearr siar ar an alcól agus an chaiféin(gyar sheer un alcawl agis er un khafayn) - cut back on the alcohol and the caffeine

dianmhachnamh(jeeanwakhnoo) - meditation

déan aireachas(jaan iyrakhiss) - practice mindfulness

Laghdaíonn sé strus(laydeean shay strus) - it decreases stress

déan cuid mhór codlata(jaan cudge wore culata) - get plenty of sleep

déan aclaíocht(jaan acleeakht) - do exercise

ith go maith(ih gaw myh) - eat well