
Absenteeism costing an unhealthy £29bn

ABSENTEEISM through sickness now costs business in Britain and Northern Ireland nearly £29 billion a year, according to research from PwC.

It says workers in the UK at present take an average of 9.1 sick days a year, which is more than four times more than employees in Asia Pacific, nearly twice the 4.9 days of annual sickness taken by the average worker in the USA and well above the Western European average of 7.3 days.

Sickness typically accounts for 90 per cent of the total cost of absenteeism among UK companies, with the balance mainly accounted for by compassionate leave and industrial action.

But the PwC analysis reveals that, while UK employees now take fewer unscheduled absence days than two years ago (9.8 days in 2013, compared to 10.1 days in 2011), the number of days taken due to illness has actually risen over that time from 8.7 days in 2011 to an average of 9.1 days in 2013.

And that means the direct cost of workforce sickness has also risen, with sick days now accounting for 93 per cent (£28.8bn) of the UK's overall £31.1bn absence bill.

Kevin MacAllister, pictured, PwC partner and private sector leader in Northern Ireland says sickness absence remains a significant cost to business.

"As companies strive for growth and international competitiveness, it's vital they address this cost by seeking ways to improve employees' health, morale and motivation," he said.

"The most progressive businesses will invest in health and wellbeing services to tackle the cost of sickness before absence starts to hit their bottom lines.

"This is particularly relevant for Northern Ireland's large number of small firms and micro businesses, where the cost of absence can be particularly crippling.

"With the demographics of the workforce changing and many people now working longer before retirement, companies could face an even greater level of sickness if they don't start addressing this issue now."

In Northern Ireland, the cost of public sector sickness across the civil service, health and education sectors was £149 million in 2010-11, according to the most recent Northern Ireland Audit Office report, although the absence figure has been falling.