
Steps to secure north's aerospace sector

FORMAL strategy was launched yesterday to secure the future prosperity of the north's aerospace, defence, security and space sectors.

The document - entitled Northern Ireland Partnering for Growth - outlines plans to more than double revenues in the sector to more than £2 billion a year.

And in doing so it is hoped the high-value sectors will increase direct employment from 8,000 to 12,000 in the next decade.

Among the strategic themes to achieve the programme's 10-year goals are developing talent and skills; establishing a better supply chain structure; promoting R&D and

innovating new products; growing export sales; and capitalising on opportunities in both the defence/security and space sectors. Enterprise minister Arlene Foster said: "Northern Ireland's aerospace, defence, security and space companies not only make an important contribution to the local economy, but they also ensure the UK remains europe's number one aerospace manufacturer and second only to the US globally.

"The development of this strategy is the result of successful collaboration between industry and government to identify our core industrial strengths and develop a strategic plan to maximise competitive advantage, boost jobs and increase trade opportunities."

The development of the strategy has been led by the Council of ADS Northern Ireland, the aerospace, defence, security and space trade organisation. It has been developed in close collaboration with invest Ni, the Department of enterprise, Trade and investment and the Department for employment and learning.