
Helm and Fold housing associations plan merger

Fold and Helm have announced plans to merge
Fold and Helm have announced plans to merge

NORTHERN Ireland's biggest two housing associations have announced plans to merge.

Fold and Helm want to form a new organisation which would have a portfolio of 12,000 homes.

The boards of both bodies have approved a business case for the merger which they hope will be completed by early next year.

The new association would provide services for around 30,000 households and have around 1,000 staff.

The associations said the combined body would - within five years - have assets of around £1.25 billion and turnover of £90 million.

They said they had ambitious plans to increase social investment and apprentice employment schemes for local communities.

Chairwoman of Helm Housing Association Liz Cuddy said: “The creation of a new single housing association means we can share expertise and deliver improved and more efficient customer services to our existing tenants.

"It also means we can increase our investment in local communities and contribute to the Housing Plus agenda. In times of record levels of housing need a new and financially stronger provider will be better placed to build more homes, right across Northern Ireland.

"We look forward to working with colleagues at Fold in the coming weeks and months to bring this about.”

Fold Housing chairwoman Diana Fitzsimons said the associations would combine "80 years of expertise in providing excellent housing, care and support".

"We are both values driven providers, seeking value for money for all our service users and funders. Both boards have considered the impact of key challenges such as welfare reform, both on our tenants and our businesses.

"We feel strongly that this collaboration leaves us much better placed to support our tenants, invest in new systems and technology and grow and expand our service offering.”

Both boards plan to present their final business case to shareholders towards the end of the year.