
Plans lodged for £15m Derry hotel at Ebrington Barracks

Views are being sought on the plans for the proposed Ebrington Hotel in Derry
Views are being sought on the plans for the proposed Ebrington Hotel in Derry

A PLANNING application has now been lodged for a new 152 bedroom hotel at the former Ebrington Barracks in Derry.

The application for the hotel is now live and Derry City and Strabane District Council is seeking public feedback on the design for development at the historic site.

The proposed hotel features a restaurant and bar, function suite, meeting rooms, a gym and a spa, with on-site parking to the rear of the building. It is one of a number of developments planned for the site, which is due to be handed over to the council next year by the Executive Office

The Ebrington Hotel is a £15 million investment by the Ebrington Leisure Group and it is anticipated the venture will create around 100 new full and part time jobs.

Director of environment and regeneration at Derry City and Strabane District Council, Karen Phillips encouraged local people to make their voice heard.

“The Ebrington Square site will be a major element of council’s property portfolio, with the potential to drive investment in the Waterside area. The new hotel development if approved, will not only bring visitors to the area, it will also bring jobs, and local people should have their say on how this project develops. There is also the historic aspect to consider, and the fact that the buildings on this site are listed, which will impact on how they should be refurbished and regenerated."

The submitted proposals for the hotel state that any development will be sympathetic to the existing historic building and that ‘…extensions are proposed to echo the materials, window arrangements and vertical emphasis of the existing Clock Tower Building and former barracks buildings and to provide contrast yet respect the adjacent listed buildings at the same time.’