PLANS have been revealed for a new 65-bedroom hotel and cinema development at a former factory site in Enniskillen.
Details were unveiled at a Fermanagh and Omagh District Council committee meeting this week for major development at the former Unipork site, located off the Cornagrade Road in the town.
The bacon processing factory closed its doors in 2000 after operating for over 30 years and the land has remained vacant ever since.
There has previously been speculation that a leading supermarket such as Sainsbury's could set up at the prime site.
The latest proposals, unveiled in a Proposal of Application Notice (PAN) to the council's regeneration and community committee, are for a mixed-use retail and leisure development, which includes a three-storey hotel and five screen cinema.
Six retail units totalling a combined 111,000 sq ft, two garden centres, a coffee pod, restaurant and drive-thru also form part of plans, as well as a self-service fuel forecourt and 695 car parking spaces.
The applicant, who has not yet been disclosed, now must carry out a pre-application community consultation, which includes one public event detailing the proposed development.
Following this process it is expected that a formal planning application would be submitted.
If the ambitious plans come to fruition the major development would create a significant number of local jobs and add to the existing retail and leisure offering in the town.
Enniskillen already is home to a seven-screen cinema complex on Factory Road as well as a number of hotels, including the four-star Killyhevlin and Westville.