THE north’s longest-established domiciliary care charity Extra Care has launched three-year strategic plan ‘Finding Our Way’ to signpost how it delivers its services, connects with communities, develops partnerships and celebrates its staff and service users in the future.
Despite recent challenges within the social care sector, Extra Care has taken a heads-on approach to move it forward and embrace ambitious opportunities in the future, and the strategy has been devised following in-depth consultations last year with staff and service users.
In the past year, the charity has welcomed significant changes to include an investment of £190,000, creating 28 new jobs, as well as the opening of three new support hubs in Belfast, Carrickfergus and Cookstown.
Chief executive Brian Hutchinson said: “We are delighted to announce the launch of our 2019-2022 strategy, a forward-thinking plan which will allow us to continually provide the best person-centred care while strengthening our links within the community. It is also an opportunity to broaden and strengthen staff training as well as provide career support to enable growth within Extra Care.”
Extra Care - whose new chair is Dame Joan Harbison - was established in 1935, providing health and social care services in Northern Ireland, operating across four Trust areas.
The organisation currently employs more than 300 staff, committed to providing service users with the support they need to maintain living in their home their way.