
AI Con collaborates with arts sector to capture AI revolution on screen

Tom Gray, co-founder of AI Con and board member of NI Screen
Tom Gray, co-founder of AI Con and board member of NI Screen

ARTIFICIAL Intelligence conference AI Con has partnered with Future Screens NI and Northern Ireland Screen to capture the revolution and development of AI on film.

Four innovative film-makers - Boom Clap Play, Averly End Productions, Celtic Dragon Studios and HUMAIN - have each been awarded £5,000 to create a three-minute film or animation conveying the development and potential of AI and how this is changing business and society.

The successful applicants each delivered creative and engaging proposals to a panel of AI and film experts and were selected from a long list of applicants.

And each short film will now be showcased to a global audience at AI Con on Thursday and Friday December 3 & 4.

AI Con co-founder Tom Gray said: “This unique initiative is a terrific way to inform and educate our AI Con audience, including business leaders and the wider public on the leaps AI is making, including the impacts this emerging sector is having on our economy and society.

“The creative industries have been dealt a major blow as a result of the pandemic and the implications have been severe on the arts sector.

“AI Con recognises the role played by our local creative industries in getting the message out and helping to showcase the tech world. So when presented with the chance to offer funding and work hand-in-hand with our creative colleagues, we jumped at it and are delighted to be able to support local talented individuals.”

Speakers at AI Con include fintech envoy Andrew Jenkins, Marten Kaevtas, national digital advisor to the Estonia Government, and Dame Wendy Hall, Regius Professor of Computer Science at the University of Southampton.