
£700,000 investment in Mid-Ulster 'shared space' programme

Council chair Cathal Mallaghan with Damian McCaul from Donaghmore and District Development Association at the Donaghmore riverside walk
Council chair Cathal Mallaghan with Damian McCaul from Donaghmore and District Development Association at the Donaghmore riverside walk

AN investment programme valued at more £700,000 and backed by EU money is beginning this month to open up spaces in six villages across Mid Ulster for community use.

The ‘Shared Space’ project, paid through the Peace IV programme managed by the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB) will bring about the transformation of civic spaces in Aughnacloy, Castledawson, Donaghmore, Draperstown, Moneymore and Moy.

Aughnacloy playing fields will be enhanced with the creation of a new play park, while in Castledawson at Boyne Road pitch a new multi-use games area, complete with fencing and lighting, will provide greater opportunities for outdoor play.

Plantin Park in Draperstown is to be revitalised with landscaping work, new picnic tables and improvements to existing paths and fencing, with similar work also taking place in the village’s Fairhill.

In Donaghmore the existing riverside walk will receive a facelift, as well as the planting of a new sensory garden and lighting, while a stroll along the river in Moy will be enhanced after the works which will include landscaping, a new ‘hexapath’ grass pathway which will be lit.

An upgrade to the Moneymore recreation centre site will involve extensive landscaping of the area, with new paths, bins and lighting installed.

Mid-Ulster Council chair Cathal Mallaghan said: “One of the key priorities for delivery under the Peace IV programme is shared spaces and services, which in essence is all about creating places in our communities which can be enjoyed by everyone and help to contribute to a greater sense of community spirit and cohesion.

“These projects show those ideas in action and have all been developed with and by local people.”

The project is match-funded by the Department of Rural and Community Development in Ireland and the Stormont Executive Office.

Contractor delivering the programme is MP Coleman from Stewartstown, and all six projects are due to be completed by the end of June.