
Built environment must be high priority for politicians


A RANGE of recent reports and statistics have highlighted the scale of the challenges currently facing consumers, professionals and businesses.

Among these are the Rics reports on the residential and construction markets. With cost increases, supply chain challenges, skills shortages and falling demand in some areas, we are definitely in challenging times. And this is whenever people look to government for support and help most.

Professionals in the built environment are no different in this regard. Rics in Northern Ireland continues to advocate the importance of the built environment, and the key role it plays in driving economic growth.

As such, Rics is calling on our political parties in Northern Ireland to prioritise bringing about positive change in the built and natural environment to support this, including by forming an Executive.

Infrastructure is a key area requiring a functioning government. Investment into infrastructure is key in creating a vibrant and functioning society. It has a direct impact on everyone in Northern Ireland. Better infrastructure across our cities will benefit our region as a whole.

This is a message we heard strongly from professionals at a meeting of members last week. They came together for an afternoon of networking and to hear from and engage with our interim chief executive Richard Collins. In addition to discussing market issues, there was a constructive conversation about what is happening within Rics, and how it is advancing following the Bichard review.

Lord Michael Bichard published his independent review which was commissioned by the Rics Governing Council to review the Institution’s purpose, governance and strategy. Rics strongly endorsed Lord Bichard’s report and recommendations to re-establish a member-led institution delivering real value and support to members and always acting for the public advantage. Work will now begin on the practical implementation of the recommendations, with five new working groups being established to take them forward.

In these challenging times, the role of Rics is perhaps more important to members and the public interest than ever before and as NI chair, I am committed to playing my role in helping sure this is the case. And that’s why we are calling for the actions that are needed to support the built environment and its key role in society.

What we need in Northern Ireland as soon as possible is an operational, and effective, Assembly and Executive. We recognise that the next number of years will be highly challenging for many aspects of the built environment as we deal with the cost-of-living and cost-of-doing-business crisis and the key issue of sustainability. It will also be a highly challenging environment across the economy and society. More than ever, we need our local politicians making decisions for local people.

Rics in Northern Ireland will continue to engage with its members, to understand what can be done to communicate the importance of the built environment and how we can promote infrastructure as a key factor in bettering our society. By investing in our infrastructure, we invest in our communities and build a sustainable future.

:: Sharon McClements is chair of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (Rics) in Northern Ireland, which promotes and enforces the highest professional qualifications and standards in the development and management of land, real estate, construction and infrastructure