
High Flyers: You’ll rarely see Paddy without a smile on his face

Paddy Murney
Paddy Murney

In the High Flyers spotlight this week is Paddy Murney, retail sales director for Musgrave NI

What was your first job?

I worked in the local fish and chip shop at 13 and then was everything from barman to greenkeeper to labourer on building sites. My first full time job was as events manager for Coca-Cola.

What qualifications do you have?

I have a BSc honours degree from Queen’s University in Belfast. I also completed a business leadership program at IMD in Lausanne.

What do you attribute your success to?

Luck and hard work. Making the most of opportunities that have presented themselves over the years.

How would you describe yourself to someone who’d never met you?

You’ll rarely see me without a smile on my face. I’m an extrovert, with a really competitive nature, who loves to take part but loves winning more and celebrating success the most.

Who do you look up to in business?

I’ve never really been someone who looks up to the Sir Alan Sugars or the Dragons Den people of the world. I have been very lucky to work with some very clever people over the years who have inspired me as much as or even more than these business leaders could.

How do you get the best out of people who work for you?

By being clear with them around their performance, their potential and what they need to do to progress. I do this by having regular open discussions to check in as things can change and priorities shift as people move through their careers. I try to ensure that my team have fun while doing their job too and celebrate success together.

What website or app could you not do without? – it keeps me up to date with everything from news, current affairs and the sports headlines.

What was the last book you read?

Children of Gods and Fighting Men – which was written by my wife’s cousin Shauna Lawless – I couldn’t put it down and it leaves me speechless regarding the talent that exists in Northern Ireland – commissioned for three books. Go and get it!

Tell us something interesting about yourself?

I’ll be married to Denise for 20 years in 2023 and have three kids Laura, Jamie and Sophie.

What’s your greatest passion outside work and family?

Golf – playing, watching and planning the annual golf trip to Portugal.