
Graham appointed as lead contractor on Lincoln scheme

Aerial shot of the area in Lincoln where Graham will be working
Aerial shot of the area in Lincoln where Graham will be working

CONSTRUCTION and civil engineering company Graham based in Hillsborough has been appointed by the City of Lincoln Council to design and deliver crucial elements of the Western Growth Corridor development, which will transform the city and bring new opportunities for housing and economic growth.

The work elements include the design and construction of a new vehicular/cycle/pedestrian bridge over the railway and a pedestrian bridge enhancing safety and connectivity between the site and the existing communities.

Graham’s extensive experience in delivering similar projects, particularly in the railway sector and knowledge of working alongside Network Rail, played a significant role in its selection.

The project aims to establish a major access route into the Western Growth Corridor site, enabling the delivery of up to 3,200 new homes in Lincoln.

Subject to design and budget approvals, construction will commence in 2024, with the first phase of homes expected to be delivered thereafter, pending detailed planning approval.

Alastair Lewis, who is contracts director at the £1 billion turnover Graham, said: “We’re thrilled to be appointed as the lead contractor for key elements of the Western Growth Corridor project, which highlights our expertise and commitment to delivering exceptional infrastructure projects.

“The project is a challenging scheme involving tackling access restrictions, utilities, drainage, and traffic management, among other complexities.

“Our objective is to value engineer the access road and bridge over the railway, seeking creative design and construction solutions that deliver cost and carbon savings while ensuring the long-term success of the strategic masterplan for the site.”

He added: “Our team has demonstrated its ability to overcome the unique challenges of projects such as this through our extensive experience and innovative approach. Collaboration between Graham, the City of Lincoln Council, and other stakeholders will be crucial in ensuring the successful delivery of this ambitious project.”