Team Leader (South Belfast) in Ardkeen/Hillmount South Belfast Living Options
As part of the Living Options services, the team leader will be a part of the management team and will support the registered manager to meet the Domiciliary Care Agencies Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2007 and the DHSS&PS Domiciliary Care Agency Minimum Standards. They will ensure that NIHE "supporting people" contractual requirements and standards are met and maintained.The successful candidate will support the registered manager to develop and implement personalised care/support plans and individual risk assessments to meet individual needs.Team leaders must be available to work flexibly and be available to work unsociable hours and public holidays on a rotational basis, including sleep-ins.
Health and Safety Manager in 182-188 Cambrai Street, Belfast, BT13 3JH
The successful candidate will ensure a safe workplace environment without risk to health.Duties include ensuring that all health and safety policies, procedures, rules, and regulations are adhered to and are regularly reviewed, updated, and communicated.You’ll also ensure Usel meets its statutory obligations in all areas pertaining to health, safety, and welfare at work, including statutory training and reporting.Completing and regularly reviewing risk assessments for all work equipment and operations throughout the business is another essential requirement, in addition to ensuring all accidents are documented, investigated, and recommended improvements implemented.
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