Case Worker - Homelessness & Harm Reduction - Outreach - Derry
The successful candidate will be a member of a multi-disciplined team using holistic approaches to support Depaul service users. You will work to a housing-led, harm reduction approach, where service users receive a high degree of support and advice. Depaul has a commitment to service user participation and to empowering their service users to manage their own lives. The aim of the role is to support and signpost service users into services that will improve their housing, health and wellbeing while improving the service users quality of life.
Health and Safety Manager in Kilwaughter, Co Antrim
This is a stand-alone role aimed at attracting an individual who is energetic, ambitious and thrives in working in a demanding and dynamic environment. With multi-site responsibility, you will help your stakeholders to lead, advise and provide governance on all health and safety matters.The focus of this role will be to deliver best practice and excellence through coaching and mentoring your Business Partners to maintain and develop a safety-first and continuous improvement culture.
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