
Holly Hamilton boxes clever, fighting on and off air

New consumer-led programme takes on scams, insurance charges and airline baggage fees

Presenter Holly Hamilton is to front a brand-new consumer-led programme for BBC Sounds and BBC Radio Ulster.
As well as sparring in the boxing ring, Holly Hamilton is fronting a new BBC consumer programme

Is Kircubbin on the Ards Peninsula really the UK’s crime hotspot? This is the excuse one lady was given for her soaring car insurance quote.

Spiralling insurance costs is just one of the many issues that broadcaster Holly Hamilton will tackle as she fronts a brand-new consumer-led programme for BBC Sounds and BBC Radio Ulster.

“As consumers, we get that letter through the post or an email saying our car insurance has gone up, and often we just accept it. But why should we accept the status quo?” asks Hamilton.

“We are tackling a car insurance story at the minute about a lady whose car insurance had gone up 350% because she had moved 800 metres from her old house. And they then told her that her tiny little cottage in Kircubbin, down a lovely country lane overlooking Strangford Lough, is the most dangerous postcode in the whole of the UK.

“There is something very wrong there. The company refuse to say where they’re getting this information from and why they’ve decided this postcode is so dangerous - but we’re hoping to get an explanation.”

From travel costs and deep fakes to childcare charges and ‘hello scams’, Consumer Fight Back With Holly Hamilton promises to tackle issues head on and chase the stories which really matter to consumers.

Broadcaster Holly Hamilton will host the new radio show and podcast, Consumer Fight Back With Holly Hamilton
Holly Hamilton

Although occupying the Saturday morning slot of On Your Behalf, in which Linda McAuley faithfully campaigned for consumers for nearly 30 years, Hamilton says the new show is “very different”.

“You couldn’t ever replace On Your Behalf, or Linda,” says the 38-year-old.

“The essence of the show is still there in that we will be fighting back for the consumer, but in terms of style it’s a lot different and completely transparent. As much as we can, we want people to listen into every conversation we have and be part of the process.”

The BBC Sounds podcast will also differ in that it isn’t a show that drops weekly, but a rolling “progress report”.

“The important thing about this new programme is that it’s live and moving. We want the listener to know exactly who we’re speaking to. And when we get an update on a story, we want to put that straight up on BBC Sounds,” explains Holly.

Also flipping the normal consumer show mantra, Consumer Fight Back With Holly Hamilton, will shine a light upon the vexatious complaints businesses and organisations have to spend time, and often public money dealing with, when perhaps they shouldn’t.

“Very often, the whole ‘customer is always right’ saying is misquoted. It’s actually ‘the customer is always right in matters of taste’,” points out Hamilton, highlighting the subjective nature of taste.

“Lots of people who will be listening to this show are front-facing, dealing with difficult customers every day. We want to hear from them as well because we can all work on our behaviour a bit.”

However, Hamilton is keen to encourage people to complain when appropriate.

“Sometimes you do need to stand up and say it’s not good enough. I definitely do complain, because if I don’t say something, who does? Then the next person gets affected, and the next.”

One of the BBC’s most versatile presenters, Greyabbey-born Hamilton, known to many from her appearances on the BBC Breakfast Show, reporting on big sporting events such as the Olympics, hosting Sunday Morning Live on BBC One and her radio shows on Five Live, or standing in for Stephen Nolan on Radio Ulster.

“I do feel like the plates are spinning constantly. But I have learned, as I get older, I thrive on being busy, especially if I’m working on something I’m passionate about.

“Whenever I’ve worked on stories like this in the past, on Sunday Morning Live or The Stephen Nolan Show, where you’re speaking to people who need help and getting an answer for them, it’s such a good feeling.

“In our job we’re very much the storytellers and bring people’s problems to the fore. We don’t often get to fix them, and I’m hoping this program will do a lot of that,” adds Hamilton, also a busy mum to pre-schooler Fionn.

I really enjoy learning new things and boxing is so technical and skilful. Your brain has to stay focused when boxing. It’s so clever, and good for the mind and body

—  Holly Hamilton

When asked if Consumer Fight Back With Holly Hamilton is comparable to the BBC’s Watchdog programme, she quickly replies that her new show is “more ferocious”.

“We need it these days. If your money’s come out of your account wrongly, or you think you’ve been overcharged for something, it’s so difficult to get beyond contact us forms and chatbots.

“Hopefully this show will be the voice that people need, and we can quite literally fight back. We’re putting our email address out there and want people to use us.”

Hamilton admits her team has already found it’s not easy getting straight answers.

“We’ve been fobbed off too. They think a press statement is enough to get us off their back, but we’ve gone back and told them they didn’t answer the question. Others have denied there is a problem. It’s incredible.”

Consumer Fight Back With Holly Hamilton aims to get straight answers for consumers
Consumer Fight Back With Holly Hamilton aims to get straight answers for consumers

As someone who travels back and forth to Manchester for work, Hamilton has encountered lots of consumer challenges herself, including being charged for oversized hand baggage by airlines – an issue being tackled in the show’s first episode.

“There is such a lack of consistency with baggage allowances. People were getting charged because their bag didn’t fit into the metal box without applying pressure. It’s definitely a bit of a grey area and the airline was very reluctant to give guidelines.”

As scams become an intrinsic part of our lives, Hamilton is keen to “allow people to share their stories and help warn others”.

“Scams are becoming so sophisticated. I did a story recently for Sunday Morning Live about funeral scams - the depths that they go to to take our money is disgraceful. They target the most vulnerable and I think the more resources we can throw at standing up to them the better.”

When it comes to giving consumer tips, Hamilton advises readers to take extra care when it comes to checking the validity of emails.

“Scam emails can look really professional, but you need to check the sender’s email address. If you are suspicious, listen to your gut instinct.”

BBC broadcasters Connor Phillips and wife Holly Hamilton have welcomed a new baby boy.
BBC broadcasters Connor Phillips and wife Holly Hamilton

Hamilton is married to fellow BBC broadcaster Connor Phillips, and the couple will be teaming up next month to host the BBC NI coverage of Children in Need, alongside Pudsey Bear.

“Connor has had to sit and listen to me complain about things for a long time. He’s delighted that somebody else now has to listen to me doing that now,” laughs Hamilton, who confesses she does find it hard to switch off from work at home.

“I get quite into the stories and need time to get things off my chest. Connor says ‘leave it at the door, wind down and relax’. So, we have a good balance in that sense.”

When she is not fighting for the consumers, Hamilton is sparring in the boxing ring.

“It’s slightly confusing, because our WhatsApp group picture for Fight Back is a pair of boxing gloves and every time I get a message I think it’s from the boxing group,” laughs Hamilton, who after giving up playing hockey joined her local boxing club.

“I really enjoy learning new things and boxing is so technical and skilful. Your brain has to stay focused when boxing. It’s so clever, and good for the mind and body.

“I told my mum about it and thought she would be horrified. My knuckles were cut up a bit, so she was a little. But then I discovered my grandfather boxed and she told me lots of stories about him,” beams Holly, who will be sticking with sparring rather than entering any competitions.

“I haven’t done any competitive fights. I think with TV it might be problematic if I turned up with a black eye,” she laughs.

Consumer Fight Back With Holly Hamilton (CFB@bbc.co.uk) begins on Radio Ulster on Saturday October 19 at 10am. It will also be available on BBC Sounds