
Kneecap miss Irish number one by ‘less than 100 sales’ with ‘highest charting Irish language album ever’ after failing to knock Taylor Swift from top spot

Kneecap's film is set to premiere at the Sundance Film Festival. Picture by Mal McCann
Kneecap. Picture by Mal McCann

BELFAST Irish language hip-hop trio Kneecap have narrowly missed scoring a number one album with their debut, Fine Art.

Released last week via Heavenly Recordings, the band announced that they had missed out on the coveted top slot in the Irish Top 40 album chart via social media, posting on X that “we did all we could but got to number 2 in the charts behind someone called Taylor Swift….good luck to her.”

They did, however, confirming that Fine Art has reached number one on the independent artists chart:

“Was less than 100 in it in the end so massive Grma to everyone who bought Fine Art this week. As far as we know it’s the highest charting for an Irish language album ever…and we did make Number 1 on indie chart.”

The UK album chart will be announced later this evening, with Fine Art predicted to make the top 40.

Read more:

 Kneecap: Mo Chara, Móglaí Bap and DJ Próvaí
Kneecap: Mo Chara, Móglaí Bap and DJ Próvaí

The trio are set for an instore appearance at Dublin’s Tower Records tonight.

Earlier this week, Kneecap secured High Court permission to challenge the UK Government’s decision to block them from receiving a £15,000 funding award.

Belfast rap group Kneecap member DJ Próvaí at Belfast High Court on Thursday. Kneecap took legal action after it was blocked from getting a £15,000 grant.
Belfast rap group Kneecap member DJ Próvaí with solicitor Darragh Mackin At Belfast High Court on Thursday. Kneecap took legal action after it was blocked from getting a £15,000 grant. PICTURE COLM LENAGHAN

The hip-hop trio were granted leave to seek a judicial review into claims that denying the grant unlawfully discriminates against them on grounds of nationality and political opinion.

A judge agreed to list the case for a full hearing in November, after the group returns from a series of gigs in the United States.