
‘Since my ADHD diagnosis, theatre has been a complete lifeline for me’ - Legally Blonde’s Karen Hawthorne

Gail Bell asks experts and people in the public eye what keeps them going. This week: Ulster Operatic Company stalwart and award-winning performer, Karen Hawthorne

Ulster Operatic Company stalwart and award-winning performer, Karen Hawthorne
Ulster Operatic Company stalwart and award-winning performer, Karen Hawthorne (Gorgeous Photography/Gorgeous Photography)
1. Up and at it - what is your morning routine?

I’m definitely not a morning person. I usually wake around 9.30am. I use the morning to plan my daily activities – I use a little planner to prioritise tasks for the day. I then take 30 minutes to exercise and stretch.

2. What might you eat in a typical working day for...

Breakfast? I’ve always avoided eating early in the day... unless someone is making me a little cooked breakfast. However, I don’t mind some French toast, or my mum’s fried egg sandwich with red sauce.

Lunch? Lunch is usually eating on-the-go. I find with my ADHD, if I sit down I tend to cease productivity. I love a lunch date, but with my medication, my appetite is vastly decreased, so lunch becomes more of a non-event.

Evening meal? This is my favourite meal of the day. I really enjoy food like mince, carrot and onion and ham shank stew. I also love a bowl of pasta Bolognese.

3. Is nutrition important to you – do you take health supplements?

I try to eat a varied diet that includes lots of fresh produce, but I don’t use supplements, currently. I have a sensitivity to gluten, so I am careful about the things I eat.

4. Ever been on a diet – if so, how did it go?

I never drastically diet and much prefer to add exercise to my daily routine. I try to be disciplined - as much as possible - when it comes to exercising and eating well.

5. Weekend treat?

I don’t leave treats to the weekend! If I want a treat, then the time to have it is right now. I don’t drink or party hard, so a treat for me is usually ice-cream or Domino’s pizza or a midnight bowl of Super Noodles.

6. How do you keep physically and mentally fit?

When it comes to fitness, I’m not a gym fan or a fan of anything outdoorsy. I love to dance and I love yoga and stretching. I joined a hoop class in Lisburn in Flyaway Aerial Studio and absolutely love it. Aerial work is so much harder than it looks. For decompression and relaxation, I use audiobooks and reading. Also, crocheting lets me focus and relieve stress.

7. Best tip for everyday fitness?

Little and often… and find what works for your body. Be aware of your body and trust it. My biggest tip is to stop eating when you are full. That’s it.

8. Were you a fan of schools sports/PE or do you have a memory from those days that you would rather forget?

I loved PE in school. I enjoyed the physical outlet and the group element. Dance was put on our PE schedule in around third year and it was wonderful.

9. Teetotal or tipple?

Neither - I don’t sit in the evening with a glass of wine, but if there’s a special occasion I will have one or two.

10. Stairs or lift?

I love the challenge of a good flight of stairs, but if there’s a lift, you can bet I’m in it…

11. What book are you currently reading?

I’m rereading Outlander book nine, currently. I’ve read the series of books twice now and am patiently awaiting the 10th in the series. The incredible amount of research put into the books is mind-boggling.

12. Best Netflix/streaming TV?

I’m a big Yellowstone fan. It’s incredible.

13. Any new skills or hobbies?

I pick up new hobbies by the shipload… I paint, crochet and do gardening. I love DIY and I’ve even tried my hand at woodcarving.

14, How do you relax?

If I have a free day, I’ll be in the garden with an audiobook in my hand until the sun goes down. In the evening, I will put my feet up with all three dogs around me, crochet and watch TV simultaneously - and drink gallons of water.

15. What would you tell your younger self?

To get to where you’re going, do exactly what you are doing.

16. What are your goals for the rest of 2024?

This year I’ve been diagnosed and treated for ADHD for the first time in my life. I am still learning and adapting. My goal is to get educated and help raise awareness of adult ADHD.

17. What time do you get to bed and do you think you get enough sleep?

I won’t be in bed or asleep until 2am, but I sleep well. Before I was diagnosed with ADHD, I spent so long thinking that I was overtired, but actually, I was just overstimulated - so knowing the difference now is a big change.

18. Biggest gripe or regret?

I wish I’d known way earlier that I had ADHD. I didn’t even suspect it for the longest time and therefore I always felt lazy or unproductive, when in actual fact it was a condition that affected every aspect of my life. Thankfully, I have theatre as an outlet - it is the only place I can 100 per cent be myself and really thrive, so it’s been a complete lifeline for me.

19. Have your priorities in life or perspectives changed?

I think as any person ages, their perspectives change. Mainly for me, it’s a case of: If I know the people I love are happy and safe, then I can be content.

20. Has coronavirus – or any health epiphany or life event - changed your attitude towards your own mortality?

This year my little dog was unwell and with my high anxiety levels during this time, it actually led to my ADHD diagnosis which has been life-changing in every way. I try not to think about my own mortality, to be honest, and I suppose my fears and worries are similar to everyone else’s.

Karen Hawthorne plays Elle Woods in the Ulster Operatic Company’s production of Legally Blonde showing at the Grand Opera House, Belfast, October 8-12. www.goh.co.uk