
The X Factor has nothing on this - Anne Hailes

If you think you have star quality, Belfast Has Talent wants to hear from you - and it’s all in the name of promoting positive mental health

Jelvis the Belfast Busker with Hannah Brooks and Rebecca McCann team members of the Belfast Has Talent competition in support of mental health awareness
Jelvis, the Belfast Busker, with Hannah Brooks and Rebecca McCann, team members of the Belfast Has Talent competition in support of mental health awareness

Fancy becoming a star of stage, screen and television? This just might be your chance, a stepping stone to success. I’ve always wanted to be a singer with a band. In fact, I was offered a tryout with one of our top jazz bands but I was too scared to take up the opportunity - who knows where I might be today if I’d impressed?

So here’s news. If you have a talent, or even if you only think you have star quality, Belfast Has Talent wants to hear from you. It couldn’t be easier and most importantly, while you are strutting your stuff, you’ll be supporting the Mental Health Awareness Campaign, #MovingMindsTogether, which runs from Suicide Prevention Day on September 10 through to World Mental Health Day on October 10.

The aim of this campaign is to increase awareness and also encourage people to get physically, mentally and socially active to support their own, family and friends’ mental health. The more performers taking part, the more the awareness campaign will be talked about and the more money will be raised to fund this local group.

Figures published in December 2023 by the Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency show 203 deaths by suicide were registered in 2022; each a personal story and a grieving family. So it’s important to publicise and support all charities and organisations who reach out to help vulnerable men, women and children. And that’s the purpose behind the talent competition.

The man behind the extravaganza is TV and radio presenter Robin Elliott. “To register for a chance to win the grand prize of £2,000 and share your talent on stage, interested participants are invited to email felonzentertainment@gmail.com. Whether you’re a seasoned performer or just waiting for your big break, now is your time to step into the spotlight,” explains Robin.

If you are a singer, dancer, comedian or magician and reckon you might make it to the big time, now is your opportunity to try out before a distinguished panel of judges - the X Factor has nothing on this.

Belfast Has Talent Host Robin Elliott with judges Paul Martin, Pauline Carville & Des Lee on launch night at The Felons
Belfast Has Talent Host Robin Elliott with judges Paul Martin, Pauline Carville and Des Lee at The Felons

“Belfast Has Talent is supporting #MovingMindsTogether, a Belfast-based charity providing life-saving support and raising awareness around the issues of suicide and mental health.”

He added: “Their mission is to ensure that no-one faces their struggles alone. The legacy of the campaign will be the hope that people will sustain those relationships long after the month-long awareness campaign is over.”

To take part, Suicide Awareness & Support Group are asking people who enter to take videos of themselves or with family and friends all being physically or socially active. For example, Robin suggests a short video when you are working out at the gym, playing a sport, dancing, gardening, even with friends having a cup of tea and talking.

Having anxiety and depression is like being scared and tired at the same time... It’s feeling everything at once then feeling paralysingly numb

“With an array of talent and personalities taking part, Belfast Has Talent is set to be an exciting competition for both participants and audiences alike with an important financial end product,” he says.

For more information, email felonzentertainment@gmail.com

I read the following recently: “Having anxiety and depression is like being scared and tired at the same time. It’s the fear of failure but no urge to be productive. It’s wanting friends but hating socialising. It’s wanting to be alone but not wanting to be lonely. It’s caring about everything then caring about nothing. It’s feeling everything at once then feeling paralysingly numb.”

I expect most of us have some of these feeling from time to time but if you feel this way a lot of the time it’s important to talk to someone who understands. The Samaritans are at the end of this free telephone number: 116123.

Boxed In

I will never learn - box sets are a liability. If you get hooked they become an obsession and many hours are wasted. For me it began with The West Wing, and I knew I was in trouble when I addressed my husband as ‘Mr President’.

My latest addiction is New Amsterdam, a five-season hospital drama on Netflix starring Ryan Eggold as the wonderful miracle worker Dr Max Goodwin.

Dr. Max Goodwin in the TV series New Amsterdam
Ryan Eggold plays Dr Max Goodwin in the TV series New Amsterdam

Now that’s fine, but I have one big problem. I can’t take Max seriously, I expect him to come up with some witty quip in a Belfast accent or start talking sport. Which is which, Ryan Eggold or our own darling Colin Murray?

Broadcaster Colin Murray host of Countdown and 5 Live sports presenter
Broadcaster Colin Murray, host of Countdown and BBC Radio 5 Live presenter... who Anne believes has an uncanny likeness to Ryan Eggold/Dr Max Goodwin