
‘We take our voices for granted and, as a singer, it’s terrifying when it starts playing up’ - Opera singer Jenny Bourke

Gail Bell asks experts and people in the public eye what keeps them going. This week: Belfast opera singer and recently qualified vocal first aider, Jenny Bourke

Mezzo soprano Jenny Bourke
Mezzo soprano Jenny Bourke
1. Up and at it - what is your morning routine?

We’re up early during term time - I am usually working in schools when not singing and my husband is also a teacher, so it’s breakfast and then we’re on the road. As I’m in opera rehearsals at the moment, I also warm up thoroughly before I leave - physically and vocally.

2. What might you eat in a typical working day for...

Breakfast? Usually toast or bran flakes with blueberries.

Lunch? A sandwich or leftovers.

Evening meal? Whatever my husband is cooking - he’s a great cook.

3. Is nutrition important to you – do you take health supplements?

I’m definitely more conscious of my diet in the build up to a major performance and I’ve just bought in a bunch of vitamins. I really notice the benefit of taking evening primrose oil and I recently started taking magnesium to help with sleep. As a singer, I’m conscious of the need to drink lots of water and take vitamin C. It’s important to eat something like pasta a few hours before a performance in order to make sure you have plenty of energy. Bananas are a staple of any musician’s diet and garlic is a no-no if you’re going to sing into someone’s face.

4. Ever been on a diet – if so, how did it go?

No, I haven’t been on a diet – I was blessed with my grandfather’s high metabolism. Unfortunately, though, as I get older I find I can’t eat whatever I like anymore.

Jenny Bourke will be playing the role of Filipeyvna in Northern Ireland Opera’s Eugene Onegin. The opera opens at the Grand Opera House, Belfast, on September 14
Jenny Bourke, pictured right, will be playing the role of Filipyevna in Northern Ireland Opera’s Eugene Onegin
5. Weekend treat?

I love a good brunch. We’re based in east Belfast, so there are lots of places to choose from. We also love the bagels from Bread and Banjo on the Ormeau Road. Judging by the queues on a Saturday morning, we’re not the only ones.

6. How do you keep physically and mentally fit?

I really enjoy walking and Pilates. I’m a Christian, so I turn to God if I’m feeling overwhelmed. Exercise, calling a friend and staying off social media also helps.

7. Best tip for everyday fitness?

Little and often, I would say. I could do better at taking this advice myself. I would also say to anyone to join a choir, as singing can be very physical.

8. Were you a fan of schools sports/PE or do you have a memory from those days that you would rather forget?

I threw myself into everything at school and loved all music and sports. My only negative memory is standing at left wing on a freezing hockey pitch every Saturday morning, hoping that someone would pass me the ball.

9. Teetotal or tipple?

I grew up in a teetotal house, but I enjoy a couple of drinks at the weekend.

10. Stairs or lift?

I try to take the stairs for fitness.

Mary McCabe, Carolyn Dobbin, Sarah Richmond and Jenny Bourke are the four female principles starring in NI Opera’s upcoming production of Russian classic Eugene Onégin
Mary McCabe, Carolyn Dobbin, Sarah Richmond and Jenny Bourke are the four female principals starring in NI Opera’s upcoming production of Russian classic Eugene Onégin
11. What book are you currently reading?

I’m reading Alex Cross Must Die by James Patterson. I only discovered his books recently; the themes can be a little dark, but they’re gripping.

12. Best Netflix/streaming TV?

We’re loving Race Across the World… I love seeing potential new places to explore. I’ve also been revisiting period dramas like Downton Abbey and Bridgerton in preparation for my role in Eugene Onegin. It’s great to see the interpersonal relationships between the staff and wealthy.

13. Any new skills or hobbies?

I think learning my first singing role in Russian is a new skill... I’ve had so much music to learn recently, especially for my role as Filipyevna. Also, I recently qualified as a vocal health first aider - my main takeaways from the course include the need to pace your voice use throughout the day and recognise that grief and lifestyle can play havoc with your voice. We take our voices for granted and, as a singer, it’s terrifying when it starts playing up.

14. How do you relax?

Reading, going for a walk beside the sea, knitting or going to a show or concert.

15. What would you tell your younger self?

To make the most of every opportunity, live in the moment and be kind to yourself. Also, perfection doesn’t exist.

16. What are your goals for the rest of 2024?

To keep working hard to see what my voice can achieve, to hopefully inspire my pupils and to plan our next holiday.

17. What time do you get to bed and do you think you get enough sleep?

We usually head up to bed at 10pm. My sleep quality varies, but thankfully - at the moment - it’s good. It’s virtually impossible to switch off after a big concert or opera, so I don’t sleep well on those nights.

18. Biggest gripe or regret?

I don’t really have any; I’m very thankful for my life and family.

To make the most of every opportunity, live in the moment and be kind to yourself says Jenny Bourke
Jenny Bourke will be playing the role of Filipyevna in Northern Ireland Opera’s Eugene Onegin which opera opens at the Grand Opera House, Belfast on September 14
19. Have your priorities in life or perspectives changed?

Unfortunately, over the last few years I’ve lost a few dear friends to cancer and it has made me thankful for every performance opportunity that comes my way. At times performing is scary, but I remind myself what a privilege it is to be there.

20. Has coronavirus – or any health epiphany or life event - changed your attitude towards your own mortality?

Thankfully, my own health has been good up until now, but we’ve had - and currently have - some challenging times as a family. Death isn’t something people like to talk about and I’m the same, but it’s inevitable. As a family, we try to live and love well on this Earth and know that we’ll eventually end up with our Heavenly Father.

Jenny Bourke will be playing the role of Filipyevna in Northern Ireland Opera’s Eugene Onegin, based on the novel written by Alexander Pushkin. The opera opens at the Grand Opera House, Belfast, on September 14. goh.co.uk