
‘Belfast was my 16th marathon to date’ - Chris Quinn, NI Commissioner for Children and Young People

Gail Bell asks experts and people in the public eye what keeps them going. This week: Chris Quinn, NI Commissioner for Children and Young People

Children's Commissioner, Chris Quinn running the Belfast Marathon in May
Children's Commissioner, Chris Quinn, running the Belfast Marathon in May
1. Up and at it - what is your morning routine?

My alarm goes off at 6.45am – bringing on at least two taps of the snooze button. I waken the kids for school, put the kettle on and make some tea and then open the laptop to get on top of some emails. I bring the kids to the bus stop and then I’m off to work. On the way in, I listen to Radio Ulster to catch up on the morning news before getting parked up and ready for the day ahead.

2. What might you eat in a typical working day for...

Breakfast? I often skip breakfast, but sometimes I’ll have a round of toast.

Lunch? Pass – I usually skip lunch in work.

Evening meal? I’m lucky in that I go home to a lovely home-cooked meal (thanks, Ciara). My favourites are pasta, a fry or curry.

3. Is nutrition important to you – do you take health supplements?

Not usually; my diet could be a lot better, to be fair. I take some supplements when running and that’s about it.

4. Ever been on a diet – if so, how did it go?

Yes, I used to do a weigh-in every Friday evening. I hated it though; I hated feeling hungry all the time.

5. Weekend treat?

I love Indian food, or sometimes I put together a bit of an Italian meal - charcuterie board, followed by pasta and treats. I enjoy red wine and cheese – as well as crisps, nuts, Ben & Jerry’s ice cream. Weekends are dominated by sports, so come Saturday evening, I’m ready for a well-earned rest and a nice munch.

6. How do you keep physically and mentally fit?

I run marathons. I started doing them about seven years ago and the recent Belfast marathon marked my sixteenth to date. This is something I do for mental and physical health. London or Boston are probably the best I’ve done so far, but there’s a lot to be said for Belfast. I really enjoyed it this year and the people that come out and support everyone are just fantastic.

7. Best tip for everyday fitness?

Relax and enjoy it. In relation to running, just put one foot in front of the other and repeat. Don’t think about it too much, otherwise you’ll talk yourself out of it.

My number one priority is to be the best father I can be and that hasn’t changed, in my role as Children’s Commissioner, I meet a lot of children and young people and when I get the chance to see into their world and hear their experiences, it puts things into perspective

—  Chris Quinn
8. Were you a fan of schools sports/PE or do you have a memory from those days that you would rather forget?

I loved PE. I loved sports and always enjoyed soccer, Gaelic football and hurling. My school team was pretty good, though, so I didn’t get to play an awful lot. I did play amateur league soccer for Malachians and UUJ and during one match, when I was sub for the Mals at Ballinamallard in a big cup game, I got the nod from the manager to come on. I took off my tracksuit - only to realise I’d left my jersey in the changing room. I was standing there with no top on, on the touchline scrambling for someone’s used and sweaty one - definitely one to forget.

9. Teetotal or tipple?

I do enjoy a wee tipple and love a nice Guinness or else red wine.

10. Stairs or lift?

Stairs, if I’m only going up one flight – anything more, it’s the lift.

"Belfast was my 16th marathon to date", says Children's Commissioner, Chris Quinn
"Belfast was my 16th marathon to date", says Children's Commissioner, Chris Quinn
11. What book are you currently reading?

I prefer audiobooks and podcasts and listen to these when I’m running. I enjoy reading with my children, though.

12. Best Netflix/streaming TV?

I like Amazon for new movies. I recently watched Killers of the Flower Moon, which I would recommend. I’ve also started watching the Marvel movies with the kids on Disney+.

13. Any new skills or hobbies?

Gardening is something relatively new to me - just basic stuff. I did have a vegetable patch during Covid which was fun.

14. How do you relax?

By running, watching my local teams, Cliftonville and St Enda’s, and gardening. I also enjoy a movie on the settee with the fire on and some treats close by. A bath helps me to properly unwind.

15. What would you tell your younger self?

‘You are loved’.

16. What are your goals for 2024?

To be the best daddy that I can be, to improve my marathon time and to work hard for children’s rights - particularly for children and young people most in need.

Chris Quinn, the Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People.
Chris Quinn, the Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People.
17. What time do you get to bed and do you think you get enough sleep?

I don’t get enough sleep - partly my own fault and partly due to living in a busy home. I have four amazing sons, who all love their sports, so weekdays can be really busy with training and work. By the time we settle down in the evening, it can be relatively late.

18. Biggest gripe or regret?

I try not to do regrets, but over the past few years I’ve tried hard to take the learning from mistakes and use this as an opportunity to reflect, understand myself a little more and grow.

19. Have your priorities in life or perspectives changed?

My number one priority is to be the best father I can be and that hasn’t changed. In my role as Children’s Commissioner, I meet a lot of children and young people and when I get the chance to see into their world and hear their experiences, it puts things into perspective. I am very focused on doing the best job that I can for them.

20. Has coronavirus – or any health epiphany or life event - changed your attitude towards your own mortality?

Coronavirus definitely put many things in perspective. I’m fortunate to be in good health, but I have spent a lot of time over the past few years learning more about self-care. While I’m not always good at practising this, physical and mental health are really important to me. In terms of mortality, I guess it’s really one of the only things that is certain in this life. I have an open mind and respect everyone’s personal beliefs.