
Five end-of-term tips for busy parents and teachers

Now that the school run is over, at least for a few weeks, give yourself a little self-care

School's out, so it's time to swap school run stress for some self-care (Thing Nong Nont/Getty Images)

All over the land there is the sound of happy children and worn-out parents and teachers, celebrating the end of the school year and the start of summer holidays.

This one is for you if you are a parent or teacher and are feeling exhausted after all your efforts to get your little ones through another school year. Whether you have been getting down and dirty with exams and revision, or fighting the battle to keep the momentum going towards the end of term, you did it...

Sometimes when we take the foot off the pedal and start to slow things down a little, we get hit with illness. This is especially true if you have been running on adrenaline and caffeine over the last few weeks to get through the last little stretch.

Now that the school run is over, at least for a few weeks, give yourself a little self-care. Here are my five top end-of-term tips for busy parents, teachers and carers:

1. Fuel your morning with a decent breakfast

If you are lucky enough to have a little extra time in the mornings, make the most of it. Forget fasting first thing if you are feeling exhausted, worn out or stressed. Your body needs fuel, not a fast. Set yourself up well for a busy day with a protein-based breakfast.

  • Smoothies made with milk, Greek yoghurt, chia or flaxseeds, berries or nectarine, flavoured with cinnamon, ginger or mixed spice blitzed in a blender is quick, easy and tasty. You can add a scoop of a decent protein powder if you fancy it too – just check the ingredients list that there are no hidden nasties in there.
  • Overnight oats – make enough to do two mornings. Jumbo oats, any fruit you like and add your pop of protein with nuts, seeds and natural yoghurt.
  • Feta, spinach and mushroom omelette with a few cherry tomatoes on the side. Packed with so much nutrition, you will feel super-powered after this one.

2. Enjoy your coffee, but not so much that it makes you buzz

It is best to drink your coffee before lunchtime, so that it doesn’t affect sleep. Replace instant coffee with a decent ground coffee and it could even help support a healthy gut microbiome. Enjoy the ritual of your coffee (or tea) drinking. Use this as a little space in your day to take a break.

If you are lucky enough to have a little extra time in the mornings, make the most of it. Forget fasting first thing if you are feeling exhausted, worn out or stressed. Your body needs fuel, not a fast

3. Get some healthy fats into your day

Omega 3 fats from oily fish, nuts and seeds are important for mood and mind, a healthy heart and super hydrated skin, but they can also help support a healthy immune system. Plan to eat oily fish two or three times a week if you like it, or consider a supplement if you don’t. Use olive oil liberally in your diet – packed with polyphenols and monounsaturated fats, it is a lovely base for salad dressings and can be used for cooking too. I’d recommend treating yourself to a decent quality bottle of olive oil for your dressings and drizzles to get into the habit of adding it at the table.

4. Replenish your worn-out self with the sort of food that does you good

Build yourself up with vibrant, fresh, seasonal salads, summertime fruits and plenty of variety. Keep some watermelon, strawberries or fresh fruit salad in the fridge for those times you need a healthy snack. Try a new recipe or two for seasonal salads and give your immune system a little helping hand with plenty of herbs – rosemary, garlic, thyme, oregano – whatever you fancy.

5. Don’t forget to rehydrate

You might be reaching for a glass of something to celebrate the end of the school year, but keep your water intake topped up too. Even slight dehydration can leave us feeling fatigued. Keep a glass water bottle in the fridge and set it on the table at mealtimes. Try adding sliced summer fruit (strawberries and watermelon are good), herbs (mint, rosemary and cucumber), or even just some sliced lemon to your water to give it flavour.