
Is your working day getting in the way of your health?

Try these seven tips to keep your health working when you are at work...

Skipping lunch or eating at your desk because of work pressures means our body does not digest or absorb the food we are eating
Skipping lunch or eating at your desk because of work pressures means our body does not digest or absorb the food we are eating

We spend around 40 hours a week in the workplace, so the habits we build into our work day really make a difference to our health and wellbeing.

If you are on the road, pressed for time or work in a remote location and are not well organised, that can mean you end up eating food that may not be doing your health much of a favour.

With a little thought and preparation, you can transform your health, wellbeing and nutrition by changing a few of your daily habits at work.

1. Put the kettle on

A quick cuppa before you start your working day can help get your head in the right place and get you ready for the day ahead.

Getting into the habit of having a glass of water every time you reach for your cup of tea or coffee will keep you well hydrated and could make all the difference to your energy levels

The first sign of dehydration is fatigue, so this little trick could also mean you need fewer caffeinated drinks throughout the day to keep you on top of your game.

2. Add a pop of protein to breakfast

Start your day with a decent, protein-based breakfast and you will probably find that your energy levels improve and cravings for unhealthy snack foods are reduced.

Protein helps us to feel fuller for longer, so pop some extra nuts on your porridge, have Greek yoghurt with your granola, or make a quick omelette to kick start your day.

Read more: Are you one of the healthy unhealthies?

3. …and eat breakfast!

Although intermittent fasting is quite the thing for some people, as a way to manage weight, It may be hindering your performance at work.

Think about food as fuel. For many of us, mornings can be the most hectic time of day – getting up and out can take a lot of energy.

If you skip breakfast, and especially if you find mornings a little stressful, the lack of food can mean that when blood sugar levels are low, we trigger more adrenalin, leaving us stressed, anxious and overwhelmed.

It may be better to try circadian fasting – in other words, eating earlier in the day, when your body needs more energy and finishing eating earlier in the evening.

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4. Think about snacks before the munchies kick in

Having a stock supply of healthier snacks at work means you have a healthy option to reach for when the mid-afternoon munchies hit.

Try something like this:

  • A piece of fruit with nuts
  • Sugar-free peanut or almond nut butter on oatcake, or on top of a chopped apple
  • Yoghurt and berries
  • Houmous and oatcakes or carrot  sticks

Your mid-afternoon snack could also contribute one of your 5 a day if you get it right.

For many of us, mornings can be the most hectic time of day – getting up and out can take a lot of energy. If you skip breakfast, the lack of food can mean that when blood sugar levels are low, we trigger more adrenalin, leaving us stressed, anxious and overwhelmed

Preparing packed lunches for the working week is a great way to keep your body properly fuelled (OLGA NAVARRO / Alamy Stock Photo/Alamy Stock Photo)

5. Get organised for weekday lunches

Get into the routine of making yourself a packed lunch. It can save you whole lot of time and effort. Making lunch twice a week could do all your weekday lunches.

A pot of soup and a seasonal super salad could be the base for all your weekday lunches. Using seasonal ingredients like shredded cabbage or kale, beetroot and carrot makes a good base for super salads at this time of year.

Cook up some extra roasted veg to mix in with couscous and chicken or feta for your lunch box, or make a batch of mini egg muffins to do a couple of days.

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6. Have healthy foods in work

Having a stock supply of non-perishable, slightly healthier foods at work can help you to make better choices when you’ve forgotten your lunch, or run out of time to bring something with you.

If you have microwave at work, there are plenty of easy options like fresh soups or one-pot meals, as well as ready-cooked pouches of microwave brown rice or pulses that can make a good base for a handy lunch.

Read more: 9 essential tips to boost your immune system for winter: Nutrition and supplements to stay healthy

7. Take a break

Get away from your desk and take a break. You will get back to your work feeling more refreshed and focused than if you sit there slaving over a hot keyboard without regular breaks.

Take a walk outside, have a cup of herbal or green tea, or take a stretch.

These little habits will leave you much more productive and could help to take the weight off the stress load.