
James Street South Cookery School: Hearty ham hock and rump of lamb

Niall's ham hock and green bean papperdelle
Niall's ham hock and green bean papperdelle

WITH the nights drawing in and the temperature dropping a few degrees on an almost daily basis, we all want to come home of an evening to a hearty, warming meal. Last week I mentioned how this time of year is a great opportunity to enjoy all the fantastic meat available from across Northern Ireland.

The recipes this week use two of my favourite meats, namely ham hock and a juicy rump of lamb. The ham pasta dish would be perfect for a quick Monday night meal if you had ham hock for your Sunday lunch, as it can be kept overnight with some of the cooking juices to retain its moisture.

While I have included a recipe for homemade pasta, we are a busy bunch so of course fresh, store-bought pasta can be used.


For the ham:

300g cooked ham hock (to cook, see below)

250g green beans, topped and tailed and sliced lengthways

6 tbsp olive oil

2 tbsp red wine vinegar

½ tsp grain mustard

½ tsp capers

1 tbsp shallots finely chopped

1 tbsp parsley


To cook the ham, place in a pot of water and bring to the boil with one stick celery, one carrot and one onion, one bay leaf, one sprig thyme, 10 peppercorns and two cloves garlic. Once boiling reduce the temperature to a simmer; place a lid on and leave for 90 minutes, or until the meat is gently falling off the bone.

Remove from the water and leave to the side covered in tinfoil and leave to cool. Once at room temperature flake off the meat. This is what you are going to use to add to the pasta. If you do not use it all, place in a sealed container with its cooking liquid to keep it moist.

Blanch the beans in boiling water until cooked; refresh in cold water. Mix the olive oil, mustard and vinegar together and add in the shallots, capers and parsley and ham hock. Season and add to your pasta.


500g ‘00’ Flour (for gluten free use alternative flour)

3 whole eggs

6 egg yolks

2 tsp olive oil

2 tsp milk

2g salt

Sieve flour and salt on to a clean work surface. Mix all other ingredients in a bowl. Make a well in the middle of the flour and slowly knead in the wet ingredients until smooth and pliable.

Rest in fridge for 1 hour. Roll out through a pasta machine until you reach number 2 setting. For papperdelle cut into 1inch strips lengthways. To cook gently, boil for 30 seconds, drain and serve.


2 red peppers, de-cored, seeded and quartered

olive oil

3 bay leaves

sea salt

black pepper

8 lamb cutlets, bone cleaned

Mint sauce

Pinch golden caster sugar

1 tblsp Dijon mustard

4 tblsp extra virgin olive oil

10g mint leaves, finely chopped

10g basil leaves, finely chopped

2 tsp balsamic vinegar

Start by pre-heating the oven to 180C and placing the peppers in a roasting pan; drizzle over the olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Roast in the oven for 30 minutes.

Place a large frying pan on the heat and season the lamb on both sides. Drizzle a little olive oil in the pan and cook until coloured on both sides; also cook the rind of the fat on the side.

To make the sauce, mix in the balsamic vinegar and the caster sugar; add salt and pepper to season. Add the mustard and whisk in the oil and the herbs.

Once the peppers are cooked,add the bay leaves and lamb on top and place back into the oven for 15 minutes. Remove from oven and let rest for five minutes before serving with the sauce. Best served with skin-on boiled potatoes.