THESE have been specially designed to ease breathlessness by physiotherapists and nurses at Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust.
LEAN FORWARD: When you feel short of breath, one of these positions may help control your breathing. They can be used at the same time as the control exercises (see next bullet points).
Sit with your forearms on your knees, relaxed, and lean forward. Or, if standing, you can lean forward or backwards, supported by a wall and with your feet slightly apart. Or lie on your side with your shoulders and head raised on pillows, knees slightly bent. Repeat as often as needed.
BREATHE THROUGH YOUR NOSE: This can help reduce the effort of breathing. Sit in a relaxed position with your arms supported and breathe in and out through your nose (if easier, breathe out through your mouth). As you exhale, try to let go of stress and gradually slow your breathing. Repeat once an hour.
‘STACK’ YOUR BREATH: This helps to keep your lungs flexible and can make you cough more productively. Leave an hour after eating or drinking and stop if you experience chest pain.
Breathe out fully. Then take a small breath in and hold. Repeat until you feel you can’t take any more air into your lungs, and hold for two to five seconds. Exhale all air out of your mouth. Repeat once an hour. Stop if your breathing pattern alters outside this exercise and contact your GP.