
Saturday Q&A: Julian Simmons on bell ringing, Marmite sandwiches and how he could be a stand-in for John Nettles

Julian Simmons is leaving UTV, the station he joined nearly 40 years ago, but he is not retiring just yet, he tells us

Julian Simmons has been a newsreader ('twice a night'), done continuity, read the sports results and performed voiceovers on UTV
Julian Simmons has been a newsreader ('twice a night'), done continuity, read the sports results and performed voiceovers on UTV

How do you unwind at the weekend?

Normally I would be working but when I can, I like to go out to dinner with friends, say to Deane's at Queen's. I have whatever's good but try to watch my weight, so nothing too calorific. I don't home cook and live out of Marks & Spencer Gastropub. I try to get a walk every day. I used to be a real gym bunny but that stopped when I had open heart surgery at the Ulster Hospital 10 years ago. Dr Donnelly and Sister Tania did such a good job it's as though it never happened.

What do you recall most about weekends growing up?

My dad, Alan, was passionate about fishing. Whether we wanted to or not, a couple of friends and I would go with him to Carnlough or Cushendall. While he was fishing off the rocks, we'd muck about on the beach. At one stage we had a cottage on Lord Antrim's estate and he used to fish for salmon on his river. We'd eat what he caught for dinner and my mother, Pearl, was a good cook. My mum did fabulous Sunday dinners. She loved travelling, like me; we'd go with my dad's business to trade events all over Europe.

Friday night or Saturday night?

It depends, a bit of both. Under normal circumstances, I'd go out for dinner on Friday or Saturday.

Do you have a must-listen weekend radio show?

Not really, I'm into TV.

Must-watch TV weekend show or box set?

At the weekends, I like to watch Sunday Brunch. I love all the food shows which make me feel I'd love to go to cookery school. I can do you a boiled egg and a Marmite sandwich but that's about it. I also like to get my teeth into dramas like The Loch. Recently I've re-watched all the Poirots with the excellent David Suchet. And Midsomer Murders, John Nettles era, has great production values. I know them so well, if the film broke down, I could act it all.

Favourite eatery – or is it a takeaway?

The odd night I'd get in the car and drive to Kentucky Fried Chicken for a Boneless Banquet. It's very nice.

Is Sunday special?

When my mum was alive, we'd go out to lunch on Sunday to maybe the Culloden Hotel but I'd have to get suited up and back to UTV for five o'clock. It is a day I like to be quiet. When young, I was very involved with St Mark's church on Belfast's Holywood Road. I was bell ringer, a treble then tenor in the choir (my voice broke late), and was in the church drama society and youth club. But I am not terribly religious.

How do you feel on Sunday night about Monday morning?

I used to get that feeling when I was at school at The Methodist College, Belfast. As eight o'clock came on Sunday, I'd think 'That's it'. But I enjoy my work and now I shall be freer to travel.