
Sermon notes

Dr John Dunlop will be speaking in St Patrick's Church, Donaghmore on January 25 as part of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity celebrations
Dr John Dunlop will be speaking in St Patrick's Church, Donaghmore on January 25 as part of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity celebrations

:: DONAGHMORE UNITY: To mark the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, St Patrick's Church in Donaghmore is hosting an ecumenical prayer service on Monday January 25.

The guest speaker will be Dr John Dunlop, a former moderator of the Presbyterian Church and a well-known speaker.

All are welcome to the 7.30pm service, which will also mark the re-opening of the Co Tyrone church.

:: PRAISE BE: Responding to the call of Laudato Si, Pope Francis's encyclical on the environment, Drumalis retreat centre in Larne is hosting a weekend conference next month.

'Caring for Our Common Home', which will run from Friday February 5 to Sunday February 7, offers an opportunity to "enter into dialogue with all people about our common home" and explore the encyclical.

Sr Nellie McLaughlin RSM and Professor John Sweeney from NUI Maynooth will lead the weekend, which will offer an overview of the encyclical and connect it with global events including the recent United Nation climate change conference in Paris.

Further information by telephoning Drumalis on 028 2827 2196 or 028 2827 6455, or by visiting

:: DRAW RETURNS: Armagh Parish has launched its second annual draw, which will run from March to December this year.

In December, the tenth and final month of the draw, prizes will include a £10,000 prize for first, £5,000 for second and £2,000 for third. There will be a total of £40,000 prize money.

All proceeds help support the Armagh Parish Development Fund. Tickets are on sale in the parish and from the parish office. More information by telephoning 028 3752 2813.

:: EXTREMIST RELIGION?: The British Academy is hosting a debate on the question 'Is true religion always extremist?' in Belfast in March.

Among the propositions up for debate are: 'Religious extremism isn't a new phenomenon, so what makes the challenges we face today different from those that have come before?'; 'Is religious extremism really on the rise, or does it just have a new look for a modern, technologically-advanced age?'; and 'Given the pressures caused by an expanding global population in an increasingly interconnected world, is a clash of faiths inevitable?'.

The speakers scheduled to take part are: Professor Richard English from the University of St Andrews; Tehmina Kazi, the director of British Muslims for Secular Democracy; John Brewer, Professor of Post Conflict Studies at Queen's University Belfast; and Innes Bowen, a BBC Radio 4 producer.

The debate will be chaired by BBC broadcaster William Crawley.

The event is free and places can be registered at

- 'Is true religion always extremist?' takes place at Riddell Hall, Queen's University Belfast, Stranmillis Road, Belfast on Thursday March 3 from 6.30pm-8pm.

:: CANCER: St Patrick's Church in Derrygonnelly, Co Fermanagh holds a Mass for the sick each Wednesday at 7.30pm, with a particular focus on those with cancer and the intervention of St Peregrine, the patron saint of cancer patients.

The Mass is broadcast live at More information at