

Catherine Little, the new head of the Bible Society
Catherine Little, the new head of the Bible Society

BIBLE SOCIETY: The Bible Society in Northern Ireland has appointed Catherine Little as its new general secretary. She will join on April 1 and will succeed John Doherty who is retiring in May.

Ms Little is a native of Fermanagh and she is familiar with the voluntary/charitable sector. She will join the Society having served most recently with Praxis Care as coordinator of its volunteer, befriending and counselling services.

She will also bring experience gained developing a special programme with the Church of Ireland Youth Department and as a trainer with Youth Link NI. This work embraced both community relations and youth work.

Ms Little will be seeking to develop the Society's relationships with all Churches and mission agencies.

EVENING WITH PATRICK: Armagh Cathedrals Partnership is hosting an evening titled Patrick for Ireland Today

The event will take place in The Market Place Theatre Armagh on Tuesday March 15 at 7.30pm.

It will be an evening of music, reflection and prayer and the guest speaker on the evening will be Rev Tony Davidson of First Armagh Presbyterian Church. Rev Davidson has been based in Armagh since 1994 and he has done wonderful work in building relationships in the city of Armagh and beyond. Admission on the evening is free and refreshments will follow.

TALKS: The opening of the refurbished Houben Centre at Holy Cross, Ardoyne, is being marked a series of talks based upon this year of significant events.

On Monday February 29 there will be a presentation and lively debate on the Eater Rising and the Battle of the Somme with historians Tom Hartley and Philip Orr. The talk begins at 7pm. On Monday March 7 there will be a talk from Brian McKee entitled The Passionists and the Easter Rising. This will highlight the role played the Passionists and Mount Argus in the Easter Rising and in the lives of its key leaders. It will begin at 7.45pm.