
Andrew Watson: One word says so much

In a reflection on the Easter story, Rev Andrew Watson highlights the significance of a name...

The empty tomb - and cross - lies at the heart of the Christian story.
The empty tomb - and cross - lies at the heart of the Christian story.

ONE of the most moving things I find Jesus saying in the Gospels is just one word. It's a woman's name: Mary.

He says it to Mary Magdalene who is beside herself, weeping fresh tears of anguish at an open tomb. It was bad enough when they killed Him on Friday.

It's only Sunday morning and it looks like someone has robbed His grave and carried off His body. It feels beyond hopeless. It seems horribly true that nothing is sacred.

Then He speaks. One word. Her name. She blinks and recognises the speaker. And in that instant everything has changed.

The Son of God is no longer dead but defiantly, triumphantly alive. Evil and death are beaten. Her Saviour has won, and won forever.

She is immediately and completely comforted. She is known and valued, forgiven, redeemed, saved and assured of nothing less than eternal life for body and soul.

For her and for Peter and John and for whosoever else will repent and trust and follow.

She has loved Him since He first delivered her. She will follow Him her whole life and adore Him in glory long after this broken world has passed away and been made new.

And I'm thinking: "Mary" - someone in heaven knows our name. More, He knows our life, every detail. Nothing is hidden from Him.

The Gospels record Him preaching repentance and challenging individuals to forsake worldly idols and "leave their life of sin".

He knows as does no other the cost of sin, for He bore its weight on the cross. All that ugly guilt and condemnation and penalty. He felt its crushing heaviness, thought of us and prayed, "Father, forgive..."

And on this bright dawn He knows the resurrection glory that now awaits both Him and His followers, His bride, His beloved Church.

At the Last Supper He had promised them He was going to prepare a heavenly dwelling and will return to bring us there. He is the first to taste resurrection unto eternal life. Many more will be granted to share it for such is the grace and generosity of God.

Are you listening, listening with your heart? Can you hear the Saviour of the world speaking your name? Don't turn a deaf ear.

Like Mary, welcome this most precious call. Embrace Him in faith today and share resurrection with Him for eternity.

The Rev Andrew Watson is minister of the Presbyterian congregation at Cairncastle, Co Antrim. He blogs at