Food & Drink

Elisa Rossi’s red pesto traybake veg salad recipe

Red pesto traybake from Happy Skin Kitchen (Elisa Rossi/PA)
Red pesto traybake from Happy Skin Kitchen (Elisa Rossi/PA)

“This is one of my favourite speedy dinners. It’s jam-packed with robust flavours, vegetables and texture, and the red pepper pesto might just be my number-one type of pesto,” says Elisa Rossi, author of Happy Skin Kitchen.

“It’s fresh, tangy, creamy and incredibly versatile. You can also use it as a pasta sauce, as a dip or in sandwiches. This salad is also not lacking in skin-nourishing minerals, vitamins and antioxidants, thanks to the wide array of vibrant vegetables. It’s filling and satiating, thanks to the high-fibre content and the chickpeas, which also bring a good dose of zinc, a wonderful mineral to help keep those breakouts at bay.

“It’s also a great lunchbox-friendly salad: just stir the pesto through the vegetables but keep the rocket on the side so it stays crispy and fresh.”

Red pesto traybake veg salad


(Serves 2)

1 courgette, sliced

1 small aubergine, cut into small cubes

1 red onion, cut into wedges

½tsp smoked paprika

½tbsp dried oregano a drizzle of olive oil

1 x 400g tin of chickpeas, drained and rinsed

150g cherry tomatoes, whole

60g pitted olives, sliced

2tbsp small capers

10g fresh basil, roughly chopped

10g fresh parsley, roughly chopped

Salt and pepper, to taste

40g rocket, to serve

For the red pesto:

1 large pointed red pepper (about 170g), whole

2tbsp extra virgin olive oil + extra for brushing

40g walnuts

1 garlic clove

1tbsp lemon juice

1tbsp nutritional yeast

3 sundried tomatoes

Red pesto traybake from Happy Skin Kitchen
Red pesto traybake from Happy Skin Kitchen (Elisa Rossi/PA) (PA)


1. Preheat the oven to 220°C/200°C fan/gas 7.

2. Put the courgette, aubergine and red onion on a large baking tray. Make sure there is plenty of space, as you will need to add the chickpeas and tomatoes later. Sprinkle over the smoked paprika, dried oregano and a pinch each of salt and pepper, and drizzle everything generously with olive oil. Put the pointed red pepper on a separate tray. Brush it with olive oil, and sprinkle with salt and pepper.

3. Put both trays into the oven. Roast the pointed pepper for 25 minutes, until soft and squishy. Roast the veggies for 15 minutes, then remove from the oven and add the drained chickpeas and cherry tomatoes to the tray. Toss them around so they get evenly coated, and add a little bit more olive oil and salt if needed. Put the tray back into the oven for the final 10 minutes.

4. To make the pesto, remove the stalk, seeds and skin from the roasted pepper. Put the flesh into a food processor with the rest of the pesto ingredients and blitz everything together until smooth and creamy.

5. Add the olives, capers, basil and parsley to the tray of roasted veg. Gently mix everything together.

6. To assemble your salad, arrange the rocket on a large serving dish, then add the roasted veg and chickpea mix. Drizzle over the pesto and mix everything together before serving.

Happy Skin Kitchen by Elisa Rossi
(Thorsons/PA) (PA)

Happy Skin Kitchen by Elisa Rossi is published by Thorsons, priced £25. Photography by Elisa Rossi. Available January 5.