Food & Drink

Craft Beer: Dark Cloud Stout sees Spadetown venture over to the dark side

Dark Cloud Stout is a 4.5 per cent dry Irish stout from Spadetown
Dark Cloud Stout is a 4.5 per cent dry Irish stout from Spadetown

We’re simply not built for this weather. It’s not that it’s warm, it’s that it’s stifling, very little breeze, sticky, uncomfortable at times and when the rain does come, it’s almost continental – a massive deluge, which clears up in minutes, leaving warm steam rising up from the concrete.

That’s the sort of thing you experience on your holidays in France and Spain and come home and tell everyone who’ll listen that you went from being completely drenched to dry as a bone in a matter of minutes.

I have to confess that at times over the last two weeks, I prayed for rain. Proper rain. Dismal, grey skies ekeing out mizzles of moisture and with cool temperatures and a lingering dampness.

It’s what we’re used to. It’s what makes it easier to sleep at night.

It also makes it easier to reach for a stout in the middle of June. This one in particular wasn’t invented in 1759, nor is it the other one that seems to want to cheekily point out that it isn’t either.

Dark Cloud Stout is the latest offering from Lurgan-based Spadetown and hasn’t engaged in irritating gimmicks to assert its independence. Having successfully relaunched in the last year or two with their Po Faced Pils and Long Face Lager, this is their first venture over to the dark side since then (unless you want to claim their Ragin’ Red Ale as a dark one).

Clocking in at 4.5 per cent, it’s a traditional dry Irish stout which pours a jet black colour in the glass with a tan head.

It’s got all those roasty aromas, but there’s a sweetness to it as well which carries through onto the palate.

You get an almost spicy bite of warmth from the roasted malt, but there’s a sweet caramel feel to this beer and the kind of sweetness and smoothness which may make you think it’s a milk stout.

However, there’s no indication that there is any lactose present despite the creamy feel. There’s a nice depth of flavour allied to the smoothness, which makes this highly drinkable but also highly enjoyable.