
Cameron Menzies: Watching the Lagan helped with my 10 days of isolation

Gail Bell asks experts and people in the public eye what keeps them going. This week: Cameron Menzies, new artistic director of Northern Ireland Opera

Cameron Menzies, Northern Ireland Opera artistic director
Cameron Menzies, Northern Ireland Opera artistic director
Cameron Menzies: Watching the Lagan helped with my 10 days of isolation

Cameron Menzies, Northern Ireland Opera artistic director


Up and at it - what is your new morning routine? How has it changed?

When I first arrived in Belfast, I went straight into 10 days of isolation in my apartment, so it was a strange start to each day. I was overlooking the River Lagan, though, so it was lovely to see the water each morning when I wakened up. Now that I am out of isolation and the lockdown has eased, it is great to see the city waking up as I walk to work of an early morning.


What might you eat in a typical working day for...Breakfast?

Mostly a coffee - I try to avoid eating too early in the day, but a good coffee is always needed to start off the day well.


Generally, some kind of salad with chicken. I do enjoy sushi or other types of Japanese food for lunch.

Evening meal?

I'm not a vegetarian, but I do try not to eat too much meat, so I like to eat a lot of vegetables and greens. There are a lot of great plant-based protein products that are very tasty now, so I try to include those as meat alternatives.


Have you been able to work from home – if so, how have you found it?

I have been both in Melbourne, Australia, and here in Belfast during lockdowns. During my time in Melbourne, I had not been appointed as artistic director of Northern Ireland Opera, so I wasn't able to work at all.

I, like so many of my colleagues, lost around 18 months of bookings in about 10 days back in March 2020. Once I was appointed into my new role in November 2020, I was able to work from home and I found it to be a very smooth transition.

I have enjoyed working from home, but I do miss the daily face-to-face interaction with my colleagues and with other artists.


Best/easiest lockdown meal?

If we are going to discount a food delivery service as the easiest lockdown meal, then I would have to say that I enjoy making soups and you can't beat a good roast dinner for a lockdown meal.


Weekend treat?

My newest weekend treat since being in Belfast and out of lockdown has been the discovery of St George's Market. What a great place.


How have you kept physically and mentally fit during lockdown?

Walking has been a great way to keep physically going and has also helped me explore my new city.

Being near water helps - I have grown up around all kinds of water, so watching the Lagan change during the day has been great for me, especially when I was in my 10 days of isolation.


What has been your daily outdoor exercise?

I have only really been able to walk since being in Belfast. I was also fortunate enough to go up to Castlerock and walk around the beautiful cliffs near the Mussenden Temple .


How do you relax?

This is a tricky one, as my work relaxes me. I find it very relaxing to be in a rehearsal room.


Teetotal or tipple?

I can go months without a drink and then will just enjoy a nice Prosecco or Champagne when I feel like it. I guess I'm a bit of both.


What book are you currently reading?

In preparation for some work, I am re-reading a novel by Alexandre Dumas, The Lady of the Camellias.


Best Netflix?

My all-time favourite would have to be Schitt's Creek; it is just perfection and so layered. Other strong contenders are The Queen's Gambit, Grace and Frankie and Bridgerton. A secret way I like to relax and decompress is by watching the reality TV show, Below Deck.


Most surprising thing you've learned about yourself?

As much as I do need my family and friends and loved ones, I have learnt that I can be very comfortable in my own company.


On a scale of one to 10, where have you been in relation to cabin fever and where are you now?

During the first few lockdowns, cabin fever was pretty high up on the scale, but now it has eased as work picks up and we are allowed out and to see people.

FaceTime has been a real lifeline to keep in contact with family and friends all over the world.


What are the three things you missed most during the beginning of lockdown?

Seeing my family and loved ones, being able to wander into antique stores and charity shops and live performances.


Where will you go and what will you do when restrictions are fully lifted?

There seems to be a lot of great restaurants and bars in Belfast, so I hope to fully experience those. I can't wait to see inside venues like The Grand Opera House, The Lyric and The Mac and see what they are presenting.


Biggest gripe?

I guess I don't really gripe as nobody listens, anyway.


Have your priorities in life or perspectives changed?

I have always had a very strong focus on my career and I feel that may have actually strengthened during this time. I am now in a position to be able to support the industry and to help strengthen and build it. That has become a new focus and responsibility I don't take lightly.


Any new skills or hobbies?

I have slowly been teaching myself a very basic editing programme for films. It's just for fun and out of interest, but I am enjoying learning when I have the time.


What would you like to see change for good when this is all over?

One change that I feel would be good to maintain is our increased sense of personal and social responsibility for looking after yourself and other people at the same time.


Has coronavirus changed your attitude towards your own mortality?

I don't feel like my attitude has changed towards my mortality, but I do feel as though this virus has made me appreciate even more what I have and to value and nurture the connections I have with family, loved ones and friends.

Cameron Menzies and Northern Ireland Opera have released Northern Songs, which celebrates Northern Ireland landscapes and landmarks through songs written by and performed by composers and singers from across the island. New videos can be found each Thursday on NI Opera's YouTube channel.