
Nutrition: Tasty ideas to keep your Christmas party healthy

Many of us enjoy eating more at Christmas but it doesn't have to mean ditching healthy options
Many of us enjoy eating more at Christmas but it doesn't have to mean ditching healthy options

CHRISTMAS party season is well and truly in full swing and of course that means lots of delicious food and perhaps a little (or a lot...) more alcohol than we normally consume.

This is a time for enjoying all the season has to offer, but sometimes it can get a little hectic and healthy eating may be the last thing on your mind. So, to help you make this a happy, healthy holiday season, here are a few ideas to help you enjoy the party without trashing your nutrition.

  • Remember to drink water. It's easy to forget when you are busy with Christmas shopping, partying and wrapping presents. Make it seasonal by adding some pomegranate, ginger and lemon slices or some fresh, zesty orange. If you are drinking alcohol, then alternate with water to keep hydrated and reduce the morning-after side effects.
  • If you are heading out for your office party, don't skip meals earlier in the day. Keep your mealtimes regular to help keep sugar cravings in check and maintain your energy levels. Eat lighter meals that won't overload your digestive system.
  • Balance your buffet. Choose your protein base first (fish, meat, houmous, prawns, cheese), then select some vegetables. This could be raw veg sticks. Leave a space on your plate for a little portion of carbohydrate, but don't overload with bread, crisps and sausage rolls if you want to avoid feeling bloated.
  • Eat more veg than fruit and make the most of what the season has to offer. Oranges, fresh figs and pomegranate are in season and low sugar, while Brussels sprouts, root veg and kale are packed with stress-busting magnesium.
  • Ditch the low-fat foods, which tend to be laden with sugar, and choose full-fat yoghurt, a bit of cream (unsweetened), and full-fat milk. Research now shows that full-fat dairy products containing a type of fat called CLA are better for fat-burning and regulating our appetite than the low fat versions.
  • Regular exercise is essential for your mind, body and soul, so hot step it onto the dance floor, or have a kitchen disco with the best of those cheesy Christmas tunes.


If you are hosting friends for drinks and nibbles, stock up on healthy snacks like olives, vegetable crudités with houmous, guacamole or tzatziki, flavoured nuts and seeds.

Try making your own kale crisps simply by roasting kale in a hot oven for 10 minutes before seasoning with sea salt and black pepper.

Here are some more ideas for healthy festive snacks to enjoy:

  • Raw veg sticks with dips (houmous, tzatziki and salsa are good choices).
  • Vegetable crisps are a healthier choice than crisps.
  • Fill mini cos salad leaves with prawns and a tomato-based sauce. Serve with lemon wedges and a sprinkle of paprika.
  • Go retro with melon wedges. Lovely with a little ginger...
  • Olives make a nutritious and delicious nibble.
  • A selection of nuts like Brazil nuts, almonds, hazelnuts and pecans.
  • Oatcakes topped with smoked salmon, cream cheese and parsley.
  • Pop some grapes and little cubes of cheese like mature cheddar or brie on to cocktail sticks for a tasty bite.
  • Satsuma segments dipped in 70 per cent cocoa chocolate make a not-so-naughty, but very nice, sweet treat.