
Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds's close relationship revealed in documentary trailer

Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds's close relationship revealed in documentary trailer
Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds's close relationship revealed in documentary trailer

The trailer for a documentary movie about Debbie Reynolds and Carrie Fisher’s mother-daughter relationship has dropped, and it’s an emotional watch.

The Hollywood stars died within a day of each other in December, and HBO quickly announced it was bringing forward its documentary Bright Lights.

The US network’s movie was filmed a couple of years ago and focused on Debbie and Carrie’s “complicated love” as next-door neighbours.

(Jordan Strauss AP/PA Images)

It was screened at the Cannes Film Festival in May last year and now it airs on TV in the US on Saturday, sooner than initially planned.

The film shows the two movie icons going about their daily lives together, discussing the difficulties of Hollywood, mental health, ageing and spending time together.

According to the IMDB synopsis of the film, Bright Lights is “a tender portrait of Hollywood royalty in all its eccentricity. From the red carpet to the back alleys behind it, the documentary is about the bonds of family love, which are beautifully bitter-sweet”.

HBO president of documentaries Sheila Nevins recently told Variety: “Carrie wanted to make Bright Lights for Debbie and Debbie wanted to make it for Carrie.

“If this was a Hollywood script, no one would believe it. They just loved each other so much. The bond was just unbreakable.”

(PA Archive/PA Images)

She also described it as a “love story”.

Carrie – best known for starring as Princess Leia in the Star Wars movies – died at the age of 60 on December 27.

Singin’ In The Rain’s Debbie was 84 when she died on December 28 following a stroke.