
#WaterSportsGate: All the funniest reactions to the colourful allegations about Donald Trump

#WaterSportsGate: All the funniest reactions to the colourful allegations about Donald Trump
#WaterSportsGate: All the funniest reactions to the colourful allegations about Donald Trump

Barack Obama’s farewell speech isn’t the only presidential news to hit world headlines this week. #WaterSportsGate has also caused an online frenzy, due to allegations that President-elect Donald Trump paid prostitutes to perform “golden showers” when he was in Russia. So what’s it all about?

Well, BuzzFeed News made the decision to publish a document which made unverified allegations about Trump’s relationship with Russia. But what has really captured people’s attention is the claim within it about some unusual sexual goings-on. Not to mince words any longer, here are the claims straight from the document:

“According to Sour D, where s/he had been present, TRUMP’s (perverted) conduct in Moscow included hiring the presidential suite of the Ritz Carlton Hotel, where he knew President and Mrs OBAMA (whom he hated) had stayed on one of their official trips to Russia, and defiling the bed where they had slept by employing a number of prostitutes to perform a ‘golden showers’ (urination) show in front of him.”

Given the allegations made throughout the document are not independently verified, BuzzFeed has come under fire for publishing them. However, journalistic arguments aside, what we can thank the doc for is bringing us the silliest scandal of the year so far. We looked to Twitter for the funnies, and Twitter sure delivered.Needless to say, the jokes were not particularly mature.

Everything got even sillier as the puns started rolling in.

Helpful Twitter users started making suggestions for possible performers at Trump’s inauguration.

The more nuanced comedians on the internet were quick to point out the Alan Partridge reference.

And because this is Trump, he hasn’t sat quietly and waited for all this to blow over. Instead, he’s already taken to Twitter to condemn the “fake news” – with capital letters and exclamation points aplenty.