
An MP has made a weird Brexit sketch where he pretends to be a waiter and talks about chicken

An MP has made a weird Brexit sketch where he pretends to be a waiter and talks about chicken
An MP has made a weird Brexit sketch where he pretends to be a waiter and talks about chicken

Welsh MP Geraint Davies has released a baffling video where he pretends to be a waiter in a chicken restaurant to make a point about the terms of Brexit.

In the two-minute clip, Davies asks a customer what she wants to order. When she says “not chicken”, he returns with a plate of tripe, then refuses to give her anything else. We think there might be a metaphor in there somewhere.

You can judge it for yourself here.

The Labour representative recently set up a petition urging the Government to delay triggering Article 50 until after the public has voted on the terms of Brexit.

And this isn’t the first time he’s used his YouTube channel to get his point across on the EU.

Last year, he made a nine-minute video on the various arguments for remaining. He gave toys different voices and got them to argue with each other. It has to be seen to be believed.

You can tell he means well, but still, it’s all very weird.